
A Comprehensive Guide About How To Choose A Whole House Water Filtration System?

Choosing a whole-house water filtration system is a cost-effective and wise decision to handle all of your water needs efficiently. But what if you get the same poor-quality water even after installing a whole-house water filtration system? This is where you need to know how to choose a whole house water filtration system.

Knowing your requirements is the key. You must understand the quality of water, impurities you need to filter out, flow rate, water pressure, and installation and maintenance requirements.

When your water filters are clogged, you start getting impure water again. How frequently your water filters are clogged decides how often you need to change them. This is why, following a complete guide can help you choose and maintain a whole-house water filter to get maximum benefits at minimum cost.

Do I Need A Whole House Water Filter?

If your water quality is poor, you experience a smell, bad taste, or hair fall, you immediately need a whole house water filter. However, a complete understanding of water quality is crucial. Here are the common signs that you can easily detect in low-quality water, indicating the requirement for a water filter.

  • Unpleasant Smell and Taste: You may feel an unpleasant smell of rotten egg chlorine or rust. Along with the smell the water tastes unpleasant with the smell and taste of rust, high chlorine levels, and sediments.
  • Unwanted Stains and Streaks: You may get streaks and stains on your dishes, limescale pile-ups around your faucets and showerheads, dry skin, itching, and irritation caused by hard water. There can be rust particles and stains on your fabric and plumbing fixtures.
  • Unwanted Sediments/ Particles: getting the sediments, salts, micro rocks, and sand particles is another indication of low-quality water. You can easily figure out these impurities by seeing the water.

But some signs are fatal and undetectable and need a proper investigation. See for the following elements in your water by getting them checked by a reputable lab.

  • Natural Impurities: water quality changes from place to place with different levels of impurities in it. Some impurities have no taste and smell but they are still fatal to your health. So the best way is to take a sample and investigate for Arsenic, Nitrates, and Lead. These elements are tasteless and odorless but their longer exposure can cause serious health issues like skin diseases, gut problems, or cancer in severe cases.
  • Presence of PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfonate or Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid)
    In simple words, PFOS are man-made chemicals, insoluble in water, and may cause renal cancer in severe cases. So you must trace and eliminate it from your water before you use it.

After figuring out your water quality and the need for a filtration system, knowing the factors to choose a whole house water filtration system is crucial to help you decide wisely.

Tips To Choose The Best Whole House Water Filtration System

Here is the water filter buying guide that can help you understand what to look for in a water filter.

Water Source and Quality

Knowing the water source and quality is the first step. If you are getting water directly from a natural resource like surface water including river, or underground water like well, you may have sediments or other impurities. Simply get some inexpensive water quality checking device and see the quality of your supply. But if you are getting water from private or government resources, get a water report for the water quality index (WQI).

Filter Type Selection

After knowing your needs, you can have an idea of which filter type you need. You might need water softeners in case of hard water, reverse osmosis, only for kitchen needs, or a whole house water system in case your water contains sediments and PFOS and needs high filtration.

Water Flow Rate

The water flow rate is the supply of water at the filtration system and the availability of water for use at faucets or POU (point of use). Differences in flow rates can cause either lack of water availability (if the flow rate at the filter is low) or the burst of pipes and leakages (if the flow rate of the filter system is high and the faucet is low). So as a thumb rule choose a water filtration system that offers you a flow rate of 1-2 GPM (gallons per minute) higher than the flow rate of your faucets (POU).

Filter Capacity and Lifespan

The filter capacity of a filtration system maintains the flow rate. If you get the right filtration system with the required flow rate, but its capacity is low, your flow fate will ultimately drop leading to problems such as unavailability of water or low pressure at faucets. So get the right combination of flow rate, capacity, and the life span of your filtration system. If things get complex, simply call us at WaterMart to get an online estimation of your requirements.

NSF Certifications

What if you get a filtration system but it is not NSF certified as per health standards requirements? American National Standard Institute (ANSI) has standardized a certification that NSF qualifies while offering heavy-duty propylene cartridges for strong filter housing. NFS only certifies the propylene cartridges approved by the FDA. So choose a filtration system with NSF certification only.

Cost Considerations

Even if you have decided on a whole-house water filtration system, you need to know your budget. Choose the size or capacity of your filtration system within your budget. If your required filtration system is costing you an arm and a leg, get a professional consultation before you make a final decision.

Installation and Maintenance

Install your systems at a place where you go daily. Installing it in your backyard may keep it away from your eyes. Daily monitoring can help you see any clogs, breakage, leakage, or anything that can cost you heavily. Maintenance of the filtration system is also crucial and needs to be planned with your supplier. Usually, you need to change your water filters after six months but if you have been filtering hard water, you may need early maintenance.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Choose a reputable brand like WaterMart, that uses certified filters using raw materials approved by the FDA. You can clearly see what our previous clients have experienced with our services. Check the reviews and testimonials before you make a purchase.

Size and Space

Choose a size that suits your space. A well-ventilated and covered space is required to avoid any damage or wear and tear caused by weather conditions.

Additional Features

Here are other features like looking for your requirements whether you need it for residential use or a commercial one. Which specifications suit you the best? Do you need a water filtration system 24/7 or for a specific time of the day? Considering all these factors can help you choose a filtration system according to your needs.

Considering all these factors, WaterMart offers a complete package of whole-house water filtration systems. You can have high-quality healthy water for drinking and other purposes. We offer smooth installation services and our filtration systems are low-maintenance equipment, which means more freedom and benefits for you.

Benefits of Whole House Water Filtration System

The benefits of whole-house water filtration systems are unlimited. From health to wealth, you can get the maximum of all. Here are some highlights of the benefits you can have out of the whole house filtration system.

High-Quality Drinking Water and Improved Health

Health is wealth. So drinking high-quality water keeps you hydrated and healthy at the same time. You get all the required minerals at the best levels that boost your health and keep you away from drinking bad water. You stay away from the side effects of low-quality water and drinking high-quality water resolves many of your gut health issues on its own.

Extended System Lifespan

You get a whole house water filtration system that lasts longer than 20 to 25 years. This is quite a long period of time that offers you unlimited health benefits, protection of your plumbing, benefits for your water heaters, and many other advantages. On the other hand, other water filtration systems have short lifespans and need frequent maintenance.

Cost Savings

You get financial freedom in terms of getting high-quality drinking water. You don’t need to buy mineral water anymore and your plumbing system remains safe, saving you money.

Environmental Benefits

By installing a whole house filtration system, you need less maintenance of your sanitary items. Less degradation, less use of energy in your water heaters, and low wear and tear save the environment by reducing waste. Also, there is less leaching of harmful chemicals produced by unfiltered water, leading to a balanced landfill.


Choosing a whole-house water filtration system needs wise thinking, clear estimation, and the right path to reach your goals. The first and foremost step is knowing your requirements. You can use all the factors like understanding your needs, checking the quality of your water, impurities levels, a filtration system, cost of system, installation, and maintenance.

You can get unlimited benefits like improved health, lower-cost water filtration, and zero damage to your property. Though the whole process looks a bit overwhelming, at WaterMart our experts are 24/7 ready to help you get high-quality water filters.

You can get in touch today or call us now for free estimation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where should we install a whole-house water filtration system?

You should install your whole house water filtration system at the start of the main supply line or the point of entry(POE). This way your whole house gets the benefits of filtered water including your kitchen, bathrooms, and garden water hose.

Is it worth considering a filtration system for the whole house?

Yes, if you are concerned about the health of your family and you need to cut down your energy bills and maintenance costs, you must consider a whole-house water filtration system.

Can you install this system outside?

Ideally, you can install a whole-house water filtration system anywhere. But, practically in Canada, installing this system may not be a good idea as heavy rain or snowfall may damage the hardware of the filtration system.

Do I need technicians for filter maintenance?

Yes, you need expert help to check all the factors to diagnose any red flags in the system. However, it is always recommended to get a technician from the company you buy a water filtration plant from.

How To Choose A Water Softener System? A Complete Guide!

The common problems with water softener systems are leakage, brine tank overflow, smelly or discolored water, and low water pressure. You may also get salt bridges, flawed motors, clogs, resin beads in water, excessive salt, or salt bridges.

Canada’s harsh winter weather can’t bear such problems, where every repair costs an arm and a leg. What if we tell you the right way of choosing a water softener system to avoid all these issues along with long-lasting systems with low maintenance requirements?

Before you make a purchase, knowing how to choose a water softener, and its technical aspects can help you understand its life expectancy and maintenance needs. Want to know the details, let’s discuss all the nitty gritty.

Do I Need A Water Softener System in My House?

Let’s be straight if you are facing hard water problems and your water is safe from other toxic substances like Arsenic, lead, and PFOS, you can opt for water softener systems.

Use the following checklist as a thumb rule to decide whether your water is hard or contains other impurities too.

  • You get limescale pile-ups around plumbing fixtures, faucets, and showerheads
  • You get irritation on the skin
  • Dry and damaged hair
  • Stained dishes
  • Dryness over crockery even after washing
  • Bubbleless soap and detergent

These are the common symptoms that you frequently observe when your water is hard. Before installing a softener system, take a sample of water and get it checked by a renowned laboratory.

If you are using water from natural resources, you need to know the water quality, hardness level, and impurities present. If you are using the Canadian government or any private resource, ask for a Water Quality Index report.

If your water hardness levels are high, you immediately need a water softener system to get hygienic water for kitchen and bathroom use to avoid any medical problems or hardware issues damaging your property.

Tips To Choose The Best Water Softening System?

Choosing the wrong water softener system may cause you financial burden and health hazards. Check the following parameters to get the right estimation of your water softener system, its capacity, and working.

Water Hardness Level

Water hardness level is the amount of calcium and magnesium in water. It is usually measured in Grains per gallon or GPG. The higher the hardness number, the greater the softening system is required. In Canada, the hardness varies from location to location. In Toronto the hardness is 6 to 7 grains per gallon (GPG), while in Calgary it is 12 to 16 GPG on average. Knowing the hardness level decides the capacity and size of your water softener system.

Type of Water Softener

Get an estimate on what type of water softener is best for your needs. You must know the quality of water, and the amount of water you need every day. Depending on your needs, you can choose among different water softeners like salt-based water softeners, salt-free water softeners, dual tank water softeners, magnetic water softeners, reverse osmosis water softeners, and shower head water softeners. Now all these softeners cater to various needs.

At WaterMart, we offer a whole-home water softener system that can cater normal house usage needs in Toronto. You can get different upgrades to these softener systems depending on the requirements and capacity. These softeners are self-cleaning systems and need low maintenance with longer life spans.

System Size and Capacity

After understanding the hardness level of your water, you can better choose a water softener system that has the size and capacity to remove this level of hard particles from your water. The more the hardness, the higher the system capacity should be, and vice versa. How to choose a water softener size will depend on all these factors.

If a system is too small for your water needs, you will end up having less pressure or lack of water, but having an oversized water softener system will end up wasting a lot of water, electricity, salt, and other resources.

At WaterMart, our experts help you know the water hardness levels, your water usage requirements, and the softener system that suits your needs.

Regeneration Process

In water softener systems, a resin bed is used that traps the hard minerals in it and filters out soft water for your use. Once the resin bed is clogged, it needs to be cleaned before it filters out and gives you soft water. The resin beads are regenerated using the water softener salt and water. This process of coated resin bead cleaning is known as the regeneration process. Use a filter system that has higher capacity and needs less regeneration time. You can put your system on regeneration at night time when water is not in use.

Installation and Maintenance

Installation costs and maintenance costs are real. What if they exceed your budget and you end up wasting your money on unnecessary equipment? Choose the right company that offers installation and maintenance as well. Keep a calendar that helps you schedule your maintenance.

Regular maintenance and upkeep include the addition of salt and cleaning brine solution tanks. In case, any breakage, malfunctioning, or leakage occurs, the supplier’s warranty will help you have peace of mind and budget effectiveness.

Cost and Warranty

Don’t break the bank on your water softener systems as we have cost-effective water solutions to meet your needs. Always choose an affordable water softener with a warranty. Our water softeners last long, need less maintenance, and offer a comprehensive warranty. You can get in touch to schedule your meeting anytime.

Certification and Standards

Never choose a system that does not come with any certification. Look for a non-profit private certification system, or water quality association certification or NFS testing and certification.

Environmental Impact

Though you get soft water, you use quite a lot of salt and water to clean the resin bed as well. So look for an efficient water softener which is designed to use less salt and water for cleaning. The salt used in every water softener system ends up added into lake water, rivers, roads, sideways, or walkways which might pollute the environment. So choosing an environmentally friendly water softener system is highly recommended.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Choose a reputable company, like WaterMart, where we have served thousands of our clients with their satisfactory reviews and testimonials. Get to know how previous clients feel about the services you are buying. This helps you have an unexpected inconvenience.

Benefits of Water Softener System

The benefits of water softeners are unlimited, they save your health and wealth with the longevity of your life and appliances. Look at the following benefits you get using water softener systems over ordinary filters.

High-Quality Drinking Water

You get high-quality and pure drinking water that helps you eliminate all negative impacts of hard waters.

Improved Health

Staying hydrated with healthy water helps you improve your health, and good digestion and maintain gut health.

Extended System Lifespan

You get rid of all the problems that hard water causes to your appliances, faucets, shower heads, and plumbing fixtures. Your water heaters use less electricity, they get rid of limescale pile-ups resulting in longer lifespans.

Cost Savings

You save a heck lot of money in terms of the maintenance cost of your appliances, reduce your electricity bills, and have less usage of soap and detergents for laundry.

Environmental Benefits

You need less amount of water, detergents, and chemicals for laundry, bathroom cleaning, and dishwashing when you use soft water. It ultimately saves the environment and reduces the amount of water needed resulting in saving the water resources in a location.


Selection of a water softener system needs a thorough estimate and complete calculation of your water requirement, quality or hardness level of water, size and capacity of the softener system, regeneration process and installation techniques.

If it is overwhelming for you, contact our experts at WaterMart and get a complete guideline that can help you understand how to choose a water softener system. Know your water needs and budget, we will help the rest to get you the right estimation, selection, installation services, and functioning of your water softener system.


How do I know which water softener to buy?

Estimate the water required for a day. If you need 300 gallons a day and the hardness of your water is 7, multiply both, 300×7 equals 2100 grains per day will be the capacity of your water softener.

How is the capacity of a softener measured?

The capacity of a water softener is measured in the number of grains( hard particles made up of calcium and magnesium) from the water required for use.

How do I measure my house’s water needs?

A person usually needs 80 gallons of water per day. Multiply it by the number of people in your house, and add a tolerance of 100 gallons and your requirement will be measured.

How Long Do Reverse Osmosis Filters Last? Tips For Better Functionality!

Are you tired of guessing when to change your water filters? Sick of dealing with unclear water quality? Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are your best bet. These systems use a special membrane to remove dirt and chlorine, making your water safe to drink.
But how long do reverse osmosis filters last, and how often do you need to change them? That’s what we’ll cover in this article.
Whether you’re new to RO systems or a seasoned pro, this guide will help you understand filter lifespan, factors that affect it, and best maintenance practices.

Warning Signs Your Reverse Osmosis System Is in Trouble

Reverse osmosis systems bring many advantages. However, these systems aren’t immune to failure. Below are some warning signs that it might be time to replace or maintain your system.

Decreased Water Pressure

Weak water flow is a clear sign of trouble. It often means your filters are clogged with contaminants, blocking the water from flowing freely. Cleaning or replacing the filters should restore the pressure.

Poor Water Quality

If your water tastes off or looks cloudy, your RO membrane might be worn out. A damaged membrane can’t filter impurities properly, leading to poor water quality. Replacing the membrane can solve this problem.

Water Leaks

Leaks around your system are a red flag. They can be caused by worn-out seals or loose connections. Inspect all fittings and replace any faulty parts to prevent water damage and maintain system efficiency.

Frequent Tank Refills

If your storage tank is constantly refilling, it may indicate inefficiency. This could be due to a faulty valve or clogged filter. Check and clean the system to ensure it operates smoothly.

Noisy Operation

Strange noises from your RO system usually mean trapped air or a failing pump. Air in the system or mechanical issues can cause these sounds. Bleed the system and check the pump to fix the noise.

Increased TDS Levels

A rise in Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) means your water isn’t being filtered properly. This typically points to a problem with the RO membrane. Test the water and replace the membrane if necessary.

Foul Odors

Bad smells from your water can signal bacterial growth within the system. Regular cleaning and sanitizing can prevent this issue and keep your water fresh and odor-free.

Indicator Light Alerts

Pay attention to any indicator lights on your system. They can warn you about problems like low pressure or high TDS levels. Follow the manual’s troubleshooting tips to address these alerts quickly.

What’s The Lifespan of Different Reverse Osmosis System Parts?

Reverse osmosis systems can last a long time if taken care of. Different parts need replacing at different times. Let’s look at how often different reverse osmosis filters last.

Sediment Pre-Filters

Sediment pre-filters are the first line of defense in a reverse osmosis system. They catch dirt, rust, and other large particles before they reach the RO membrane. Typically, these filters last between 6 to 12 months. Regularly changing these filters keeps the water flowing smoothly and protects the RO membrane from larger debris.

Activated Carbon Pre-Filters

Activated carbon pre-filters remove chlorine, pesticides, and other organic chemicals from the water. Chlorine can damage the RO membrane, so these filters are essential. They usually last about 6 to 12 months. Changing them on schedule is important for preventing the build-up of contaminants that could otherwise pass through to the membrane.

RO Membrane

The RO membrane is the heart of the reverse osmosis system. It filters out the tiniest impurities, including heavy metals and microorganisms. RO membranes typically last for 2-5 years.. Its longevity depends on the quality of your water and how often you use the system.

Carbon Polishing Filter

The carbon polishing filter—also known as a post-filter—removes any remaining odors or chemical tastes after the water passes through the RO membrane. Wondering how long do carbon filters last? The answer is around 12 months. After it reaches the end of its life, replace it to ensure your water stays fresh and pleasant to drink.

Remineralization Post-Filter

Some RO systems have a remineralization post-filter. It adds minerals like calcium and magnesium back into the water. These filters last around 12 months. Replacing them regularly keeps your water healthy and full of good minerals.

Tips For Making Your RO Filters Last Longer

As a homeowner, you can take steps to extend the life of your reverse osmosis system. Improving its lifespan ensures you get the best performance and value. Here’s how to make your RO filters last longer.

Regularly Replace Filters

Filters in your filter catch dirt and particles. Over time, they get clogged and lose efficiency. Replace them according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to keep your system running smoothly. Regular filter changes ensure clean, fresh water for your home.

Change The RO Membrane As Needed

The RO membrane purifies your water, removing impurities. When you notice a drop in water quality or pressure, it’s time to replace it. Check your system’s manual for specific instructions and follow them carefully to keep your water clean and safe.

Sanitize The System Annually

Sanitizing your filter once a year prevents bacteria buildup and keeps your water fresh. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for a thorough clean. Disconnect the system, clean each part, and reassemble it to maintain optimal performance.

Check For Leaks Periodically

Regularly inspect your system for leaks. Even small leaks can cause significant problems. Tighten loose connections and replace any worn parts to keep your system running efficiently. Regular checks help prevent water damage and maintain system performance.

Install A Pre-Filter For Sediment-Heavy Water

If your water contains a lot of sediment, adding a pre-filter can help. It captures large particles before they reach your main system, preventing clogs and extending the life of your system. Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions for best results.

Avoid Over-Tightening Fittings

When adjusting fittings, be careful not to over tighten them. Excessive force can damage the components. Tighten just enough to prevent leaks. Proper adjustments help keep your system parts in good condition and prevent unnecessary damage.

Monitor Water Quality With A TDS Meter

A TDS meter helps you keep track of your water quality. Regular monitoring indicates when it’s time to change filters. By keeping an eye on water quality, you ensure your system is working efficiently and providing the best possible water for your home.

Key Features of a Reverse Osmosis System

A reverse osmosis system comes with several key features that help purify water for homeowners. When exploring different RO systems, you’ll want to look for:

  • High-quality RO membrane: A high-quality RO membrane is essential for filtering out the smallest impurities. This key component removes contaminants effectively, ensuring the water you drink and use for cooking is safe and clean.
  • Multiple filtration stages: Systems with multiple filtration stages can tackle a variety of contaminants. Each stage targets different impurities, providing thorough purification. For the best results, look for systems with at least three stages.
  • NSF certification: NSF certification means the system meets strict safety and quality standards. It’s a sign that the RO system has been rigorously tested and is reliable. Always choose systems with this certification for peace of mind.
  • Efficient water waste ratio: An efficient water waste ratio means less water is wasted during the filtration process. This helps conserve water and can lower your water bill. Opt for systems designed to minimize waste and use water efficiently.
  • Remineralization filter: A remineralization filter adds essential minerals back into the purified water, improving taste and health benefits. This ensures your water is not only clean but also has a pleasant taste and necessary minerals.
  • Leak detector and automatic shut-off: A leak detector and automatic shut-off feature prevent potential water damage by stopping the flow if a leak is detected. This provides extra protection for your home and peace of mind.

Get a Better Reverse Osmosis System Today

Are you tired of wondering if your drinking water is safe? Upgrade to WaterMart’s reverse osmosis system—pure, clean water with every sip. Our advanced RO systems eliminate harmful contaminants, including chemicals and bacteria, ensuring your family’s safety.
We offer systems with multiple filtration stages, customizable options, and features like remineralization filters and UV lights. These extras not only make your water safer but also enhance its taste and quality.
Whether you want to rent or buy, we’ve got you covered. Schedule a free water test with us today. Experience the difference that pure, safe water can make in your home with Watermart’s RO systems.


Clean, safe drinking water used to be a luxury. Now, it’s a basic need everyone can meet. With the right reverse osmosis system, you can enjoy fresh, pure water daily. Upgrade your system and experience the difference. Drink better, live better.


How often do you change RO filters?

RO filters need changing every 6 to 12 months. It depends on your water quality and usage. Regular maintenance ensures clean, safe drinking water. Check your system’s manual for specific guidelines.

How long do water filters last?

The lifespan of water filters varies. Sediment filters last 6 to 12 months, while carbon filters can last up to a year. Zero water filters typically last 2 to 3 months. Always refer to your filter’s manual for precise recommendations.


Water Softener Maintenance: How To Keep Your System Working?

Water softeners do all the hard work, turning your hard water into soft. They remove minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, from your tap water. However, unlike water heaters, water softeners don’t run all the time in order to do their job. An effective water softener should only run every two or three days. Therefore, they require little maintenance.

But just like other appliances, regular and timely water softener maintenance is crucial to keep them running for long and working effectively.

This article will discuss everything you should know about water softener maintenance to keep your system working effectively.

Read on!

How Often Should You Add Salt to a Water Softener?

Water softeners need salt to fuel the ion exchange process, turning your hard water soft. A water softener tank has resin beads that attract calcium and magnesium ions. In return, the hard minerals from your tap water stick to the resin beads, leaving behind soft water.

Now, over time, these resin beads get saturated with calcium and magnesium ions. This is where the water softener regeneration happens with the salt.

During the regeneration process, salt is added to a separate brine tank where it washes over the resin beads, pushing all the hardness minerals off and flushing them out of the softener.

If you don’t add salt to your water softener, the regeneration process will not do its magic and you will be back to your serious, hard water issues.

The answer to, “How often should you add salt to a water softener” depends on three major factors:

  1. Water Consumption: If you have a big household, you’ll end up using more water. Hard water and high water consumption mean more frequent refills.
  2. System Age: If you have an old water softening system, it requires more refills. Modern models are salt-efficient and only regenerate when needed.
  3. Size of Brine Tank: If you have a small brine tank, you’ll need more refills. A larger tank holds more salt, extending refill intervals.

Here are a few tips to avoid regeneration issues in your water softener:

  1. Keep the salt level 3 to 4 inches above water or keep it half-full.
  2. Refill your tank with the recommended salt type. Each softener uses a different salt type, including pellet, solar, evaporated, or rock salt.

Signs Water Softener System Needs Maintenance?

You spent so much money to make your life easier with a water softener, but suddenly, your softening system is creating issues. The soap has stopped making lather, and you wake up to scum buildup every day! These are some of the telltale signs your water softening is failing.

Hard Water Spots

When the pesky stubborn white stains on your faucets and showerheads make a comeback, it’s high time you consider maintaining your water softener.

Soap Lather Issues

If your soap is struggling to lather luxuriously, that’s because your water is not soft anymore! Also, a sign for you to check your water softener for maintenance because, in the long run, it will affect your cleaning process.

Scale Buildup

The annoying limescale buildup in your kettle and on your pipes has started to show up again. That’s because your water softener is not functioning the way it should.

Reduced Water Pressure

When minerals accumulate in your shower, it results in low water flow. In such cases, your water softener has stopped working and scheduling a call for water softener experts may solve your problem of low water pressure.

Salty Taste in Water

Soft water suddenly started to taste salty? Check with your brine tank to detect issues.

Or best, contact a qualified technician to get your water softener checked for a healthy, clean, and safe water supply.

How To Clean A Water Softener System?

Highly efficient water softening systems demand to be cleaned every five to 10 years, based on your water consumption and water hardness levels. Usually, the older models of water softeners need more frequent cleaning for a smooth process.

Here’s how to clean a water softening system.

Cleaning the Brine Tank

The brine tank gets dirty over time with accumulated brine solution. However, cleaning the tank is a simple process.

First of all, before trying out anything, consult your user manual for cleaning instructions.

  1. Using a siphon, pump out the brine solution from your tank and dispose of it.
  2. Remove the brine grid and break up the salt bridges.
  3. Wash the tank with warm water and a few drops of dish soap.
  4. Scrub the tank thoroughly with a brush.
  5. (OPTIONAL) If the tank is too dirty, disinfect it with a diluted bleach solution and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  6. Reinstall the brine grid along with other components.
  7. Fill your brine tank with clean water and reconnect the hoses or lines to the water softener.
  8. Run the water through a regeneration cycle and check for potential leaks.

Cleaning the Resin Tank

Minerals, such as Iron can accumulate into the water softener resin tanks. They reduce the efficiency of your water softener, affecting the soft water supply.

Here’s how to clean it:

  1. Use a resin cleaner, compatible with your water softener model and follow the instructions on the package.
  2. Start a regeneration cycle to flush the cleaning solution through the system.
  3. Ensure all the solution is thoroughly flushed out by running clean, fresh, and soft water for at least 10 minutes.

Note: You can also clean your resin tank by initiating several regeneration cycles.

Removing Salt Bridges

Sometimes, adding too much in your softener ends up creating salt bridges, to remove this:

  1. Break the bridges with any long handled tool gently.
  2. If the salt bridge is too hard, pour over hot water to break it into smaller pieces.
  3. Scoop out the salt in an empty container.

Cleaning Outside Surface

Cleaning the exterior of your water softener is as easy as cleaning your dispenser or refrigerator. Thus, you need a few household items and a few minutes to get your softener squeaky clean:

  1. Wipe down the outside of your softener with a damp cloth. (You can use a mild soap solution too)
  2. Rinse the cloth with clean water and wipe down the surface again.
  3. Use a dry cloth to thoroughly dry the outside surface of the water softener.

Benefits of Maintaining a Water Softener System

No limescale buildup, richer lather, and excellent water flow are some of the basic benefits of a properly working water softener system.

Here are some long-term benefits:

Improved Appliance Longevity

Hard water minerals leave minerals inside your appliances, including dishwater, washing machine, and water heater. This buildup reduces the efficiency of your appliances and also the lifespan.

Regular water softener maintenance prevents limescale buildup and allows your appliances to run smoothly and effectively.

Reduced Scale Buildup

Hard water minerals, such as calcium and magnesium leave scale and stains on your appliances, faucets, and showers. As a result, they may get clogged and require replacement. The clogged water softener can lead to a big loss.

To prevent this, it is important to maintain your water softener to ensure the effective removal of these minerals so your plumbing system functions seamlessly.

Lower Energy Bills

Hard water minerals accumulate in your water heater and prevent water from heating properly. It allows your water heater to keep on operating and potentially increases your energy bills.

Regular water softener maintenance prevents this buildup and ultimately reduces energy bills.

Softer Skin And Hair

All the hard minerals can mess up your hair and skin, making it dry, itchy, and dull. Soft water allows soap, shampoo, and body wash to lather richly, leaving your skin softer, cleaner, and healthier.

Less Pipe Clogging

Scale buildup in pipes due to hard water may collapse or clog them. This may cause blocked drains that may require professional assistance.

Regular maintenance of your water softener prevents scale buildup that ensures a smooth water flow, leading to clear, unclogged pipes.

Better Soap And Detergent Efficiency

When hard minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, react with soap and cleaning products, they reduce their cleaning properties.

Regular water maintenance prevents your detergents and cleaning agents from reacting with hard water minerals, resulting in a smooth, rich lather to function and clean properly.

It also results in less usage of detergents and cleaning products, saving you more money.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Water Softener?

Have you tried everything in your capacity to maintain your water softener, but to no avail? It’s time to replace it!

The cost of replacement for the water softener depends on many factors. However, in Canada, it can range anywhere from $1000 to $6000, including the unit and installation.

Some factors that influence the water softener cost of replacement are:

  1. Home’s size and water usage: If you have a small household with little water consumption, you need a little, affordable unit. However, for larger units and homes, the cost would increase accordingly.
  2. Features of a water softener: The more features your water softener has, the costlier! Many basic models with little functionality are affordable. However, those with smart controls and demand regeneration cost more.
  3. Water softener type: If your water softener is salt-based, it’s more likely to be affordable than salt-free options. It depends on you what type of water softener you are choosing.

Whatever the conditions, Watermart offers highly efficient water softeners that meet your needs and budget. We not only provide the appliances but also ensure our expert technicians and installation professionals perform an outstanding job,
catering to your needs.

Budget issues? No worries!

At Watermart, you can rent or purchase our water softener for your home to effectively remove minerals that cause water hardness.
Contact us and get a free quote on your water softener replacement!


Do you want to extend the lifespan of your water softener to get soft and clean water throughout your home?

Regular maintenance and upkeep are the key!

Your water softener works tirelessly behind the scenes, banishing hard water woes and leaving you with luxuriously soft suds. However, the most important component of a water softener is the brine tank.

Refilling the tank with a recommended amount of salt and salt type is crucial for an effective regeneration process that ensures the proper working of your softener system.

Regular water softener maintenance also lowers your energy bills, ensuring softer skin, and shiny, and healthy hair. Above all, it translates to fewer plumbing problems and appliance meltdowns.

If your previously reliable water softener is no longer functioning as it should, it may be necessary to replace it. The cost of replacement depends on many factors, but on average, the replacement cost is $1000 to $6000, depending on the size, features, and type of your water softener.

To get a highly efficient water softener replacement, contact Watermart and schedule a FREE consultation.


How Often Should Water Softeners Regenerate?

A standard-size water softener that is fully functioning and well-maintained should regenerate every four to seven days.

Does a Water Softener Need Maintenance?

Like any other appliance, your water softeners need maintenance and regular upkeep to keep working effectively.

Clean your water softeners once a week and refill the brine tank with the recommended salt type and amount to keep your softener working for a long period of time.

How Often does a Water Softener Need to be Cleaned?

It depends on the make and model of your water softener. Most water softener systems need to be cleaned every five to ten years. However, modern softeners are self-cleaning systems for hassle-free maintenance and guaranteed peace of mind.

What Happens if You don’t Maintain Your Water Softener?

One of the first signs of a failing water softening system is the return of hard water with excess minerals.

Other signs include:

  1. White calcium spots on utensils
  2. Low water pressure
  3. Dry, itchy, and dull skin
  4. Frizzy, brittle hair
  5. Metallic water taste


Reverse Osmosis System Maintenance

According to the National Institute of Health, the RO system removes contaminants and certain PFAs by up to 80% to 99%, providing fresh and clean drinking water.

But what if we told you that each part of your RO system is a team working to filter those impurities out of your tap water? And just like any team, they need proper maintenance to stay on top of their game.

Reverse osmosis water systems have several filters, each designed to do a specific job. Therefore, if you don’t maintain your RO system, it can struggle to filter out contaminants and impurities, leading to polluted water that could damage your health and the RO system as well.

In this article, we’ll discover effective tips and techniques for reverse osmosis system maintenance. Trust us, it’s a lot safer and cheaper than drinking and dealing with contaminated drinking water.

Read on!

Signs Your Reverse Osmosis System Needs Maintenance?

Don’t know when the reverse osmosis water maintenance is due? Fret not!

Here are a few telltale signs that your RO system is asking for maintenance.

Decreased Water Flow

The sudden decrease in the water flow is the biggest indicator that your system needs maintenance.

The filters in the reverse osmosis system stop impurities from entering into tap water. However, over time, when not properly maintained and cleaned, these filters may get trapped by contaminants, resulting in clogged filters that need replacing.

Cloudy or Discolored Water

People with RO water systems swear by the crystal clear appearance of water. So, if your reverse osmosis water system isn’t working properly, one of the most obvious things you’ll notice is the cloudy and discolored water.

High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

The total dissolved solids is the measure of total minerals and contaminants in your water. According to research, RO typically reduces TDS to under 25 ppm.

However, if you notice a sudden increase in TDS levels, it’s high time you start maintaining your reverse osmosis system.

Get your water tested professionally for FREE, or invest in a TDS meter to keep an eye on those readings.

Filter Change Indicator (if the feature is present)

Many advanced RO systems come with built-in filter change indicators that flashlights to beep when the filter needs replacing.

Check your user manual to understand your system’s features and indicators or call a professional to ensure clean and delicious water for your family.

Unusual Noises

Is your RO system making weird and unusual noises? You would be surprised to know that all factors discussed above contribute to your RO filter’s strange noises.

It could be clogged filters leading to weird noises or the air trapped inside the system making those gurgling or hissing sounds.

Sometimes, it’s the water pressure issues and most times, a faulty component, such as a pump or a valve makes the banging sound.

Whatever the problem is, the solution is only one; timely reverse osmosis system maintenance.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Cleaning a Reverse Osmosis System?

Did you know?

Be it an under-the-sink filter or a whole house filtration system, a well-maintained RO system can last you for 10 to 15 years.

Here’s how to DIY reverse osmosis maintenance and cleaning.
Note: Consult your user’s manual before carrying out any maintenance at home.

Turn Off the System

First of all, turn off the system at the power source.

Depressurize and Disconnect

Turn off the valve of your RO system feed line and close it properly. Dispense and pressurize the tank from your RO faucet completely.

Please note that sputtering is normal during the depressurizing process.

Clean the Filter Housings

The filter housings are usually transparent canisters. Clean them using a filter wrench (if needed). Throw away the old filters and clean the inside of the housing with a clean, damp cloth.

Sanitize the System

The most important step to clean your RO system is sanitizing the insides of the system where bacteria and other impurities are present.

Many RO systems require special sanitizing solutions (check your user manual).

If not, just use a diluted bleach solution and let it sit for 30 minutes to clean the system properly. Rinse off with clean water thoroughly.

Rinse the System

Keep the filter housings empty and turn the water supply back on. Let the system flush through the RO faucet for 10 minutes. Turn off the faucet when the water runs clear.

Replace Filters and Membrane

After rinsing the system thoroughly, install fresh filters and membranes. (Check your user manual for proper guidance and placement of your filters)

Reconnect and Pressurize the System

Reconnect the feed line after installing the filters and membrane and open the shut-off valve.

Now, turn on the power of your system. The tank will start refilling and pressurizing automatically.

Flush the System

Once the system is fully pressurized, open the RO faucet and flush the system for 10 minutes to remove air bubbles or loose particles from the new filters.

How Long Do Reverse Osmosis Filters Last?

The lifespan of your RO system depends on a few factors, including water quality, household size, and water consumption.

In general, the RO system can last between two to five years, provided that you maintain them regularly.

However, if we talk about the lifespan of reverse osmosis system filters and cartridges, they needs replacement from time to time.

Here’s a general guideline:

  1. Pre-filters: Pre-filters protect the delicate RO membrane and trap sediment and Chlorine. Pre-filters require replacement every 3 to 6 months.
  2. RO membrane: RO membrane is the key filter that removes contaminants and can last 2 to 5 years with good care and maintenance.
  3. Post filter: It enhances the taste and odor of your RO water and needs to be replaced every 12 months.

Benefits of Maintaining RO System

Besides removing impurities and contaminants from water, the RO system provides many benefits to homeowners, looking for healthy water options.

High-Quality Drinking Water

One of the main benefits that comes with maintaining an RO system effectively is 99% pure, clean, and healthy drinking water.

The process of reverse osmosis removes almost all impurities and contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, lead, arsenic, and bacteria that may be harmful to you.

Improved Health

A well-maintained RO system ensures a cleaner, healthier water supply and removes contaminants effectively. This ensures improved health and a fresher mind for your household.

Extended System Lifespan

Regular maintenance and upkeep of your RO water system keep your system running smoothly for a long time. It also prevents clogged membranes and reduces strain on the system.

Moreover, regular maintenance of your system allows you to identify potential issues before they become major problems. Hence, it extends the system’s lifespan and provides a healthy lifestyle for your household.

Cost Savings

The ongoing costs (maintenance costs) of the RO system may be higher. However, it doesn’t compare to the health benefits it provides. Also, regular maintenance allows you to save money in the long run.

Imagine this:

You save monthly maintenance costs of your RO system, but with clogged and damaged membranes, the repair cost multiplies tenfold. Therefore, regular maintenance helps you save money the smarter way.

Environmental Benefits

According to CNN, bottled water sold in stores can contain 10 to 100 times more bits of plastic than previously estimated — nanoparticles so tiny they cannot be seen under a microscope.

A well-maintained RO system reduces your reliance on bottled water contributing to less plastic waste and reducing carbon footprint.

How Often Do You Change Reverse Osmosis Filters?

Filters and cartridges in your RO water system play a vital role in catching sediment and debris, keeping the water 99% pure.

And the harder they work, the more they end up collecting the debris, which may clog them, making them ineffective.

Therefore, experts recommend changing your reverse osmosis filters every 12 months.

However, if your system has a carbon-based filter, it’s recommended to change them a little sooner.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Reverse Osmosis Filter and System?

Reverse osmosis filtration systems usually come in two main types:

Whole House System

If you want to treat well water or rainwater, the whole house water systems are ideal for you.

They can cost anywhere from $750 to $7500 and depend on many factors, including your household size, water quality, and water consumption

Point Of Use System (Under-The-Sink)

If you want pure, clean, and safe drinking water only for the kitchen, under-the-sink water systems are a great option. They are also an affordable option and extend filter life.

They can cost from $150 to $1500, depending on your system type and complexity.

Installation Costs Of a Reverse Osmosis System

Usually, reverse osmosis systems are user-friendly and come with a straightforward installation process. However, in some cases, you need expert installation services to avoid issues.

Reverse osmosis systems are usually easy to install with little installation costs, ranging from $100 to $800, depending on the type of the system.

Looking for more options?

Watermart offers whole house water filtration systems and under-the-sink systems at affordable rates. Budget issues? No problem!

At Watermart, you can purchase your system or even rent it! We also provide professional installation services for all your water needs.

Book a call with us today!


If your RO water system is not working the way it should, maybe, it’s time for a little reset.

Maintaining your RO system is necessary because an ineffective RO system may lead to contaminated water, slower water flow, shorter lifespan, and expensive repairs. Who would want that?

To maintain your reverse osmosis system, you can consult the professionals or you can even DIY reverse osmosis system maintenance to increase the filter lifespan and enjoy clean, drinking water for up to 5 years.

Not tech savvy? No worries! Watermart has incredible water solutions for your problems. Book our water consultation services today and get a FREE quote now!


What Happens If You Don’t Change RO Water Filters on Time?

If you don’t change your RO water filters on time, you may experience contaminated water, reduced efficiency, damaged membranes, and expensive repairs.

Can I maintain my RO system myself?

Yes, maintaining an RO system is quick and easy. However, if you don’t have any plumbing experience, you may feel difficulty maintaining the system at first.

Do reverse osmosis systems require maintenance?

Yes, like any other appliance, reverse osmosis systems require maintenance and regular upkeep to last several years and provide clean, healthy drinking water.

You should replace the RO filters every 6 to 12 months depending on your water quality and consumption.

Water Softener System Benefits- A Secret To Your Health and Wealth

Hard water can cause health issues, discoloration of dishes, faucets and limescale build-ups in electric water heaters. There are many benefits of Water Softener Systems such as improvement in water quality, getting rid of dry skin, improved hair, removal of scale build-ups around faucets and showerheads, and so on.

By filtering hard contaminants like calcium and magnesium, a water softener system cleans hard water. It keeps your pipes clear and your appliances running smoothly. If you are planning to get a water softener system installed at your place, consider the following aspects, requirements, and pros and cons of the system.

What Is Water Softener And Why Do You Need It?

For those who are new to water softeners, here is a brief introduction to a water softener, its working, and its requirements.

A water softener is a system that cleans out minerals through an ion exchange method. The Ion exchange procedure takes place by replacing hard minerals (Ca2+ and Mg) with softer ones like Sodium or Potassium. This “softens” the water for your whole house and gets rid of the leading causes of water hardness.

Such soft minerals do not create problems like build ups or damaged appliances.
Many homeowners need this system to protect their plumbing, improve cleaning efficiency, and prevent dry skin and hair. Here are the benefits of a water softener system that can help you decide whether you need it or not.

Water Softener System Benefits

Canadians use a water softener system to improve the quality of their water. For example, the water in Toronto has a moderately high hardness level of tap water. Here’s how a water softener system gives instant results:

Prevent Pipe Blockages

Frequent blockage in your plumbing systems can be caused by hard water. The buildup of minerals clogs pipes and to repair that, you need to get costly repairs that take hours to fix. This not only protects your plumbing but also allows useful items like dishwashers and washing machines to be more efficient and durable.

Increase Lifespan of Appliances

In addition to affecting plumbing, hard water causes buildup in your appliances. This buildup reduces the efficiency and lifespan of dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters. For instance, water heaters using hard water can lose up to 48% of their efficiency. A water softener system prevents all sorts of buildup which helps appliances work better and last longer.

Soap And Detergent Effectiveness

Get more foam and clean more effectively with soap/detergents and soft water. To properly wash clothes with hard water, you need hot water and more soap to clean the same amount. Using a water softener means you don’t have to waste detergent or use warm water. A minor change like this can go a long way by saving energy, and costs and preventing fabric shrinkage.

Provides Spotless Dishes

One of the common signs of hard water is stains on cleaned dishes. You may notice a residue after cleaning and drying dishes due to this. Experience spotless cleaning of dishes with a water softener. Additionally, soft water mixes better with soaps and detergents without the need for hot water.

Better Skin and Hair Care Results

After showering, if your skin feels itchy, dry, and irritated, then it can be due to the buildup in the shower head. This can worsen skin issues like eczema and leave your hair color looking dull and hard to handle. Simply replacing the shower head will not help, use a water softener system instead. Soft water keeps skin moisturized and preserves natural oils while balancing hair pH for shinier, healthier-looking hair.

Save Energy Bills

Hard water forces appliances to use more energy which may be the cause of your higher utility bills. Using a water softener saves on cleaning products, makes appliances last longer, and reduces hot water use. This results in lower energy costs and savings as well as maintenance.

Keep Surfaces Clear

Keep your belongings looking spotless with the soft water system. The contaminants in hard water can cause marks and lines on glass, utensils, cars, and clothes. No need to search for vinegar mixtures to get rid of water spots. Just use the system.

Improved Investment Value

Water softener advantages also include added value to your home or rental space by eliminating hard water minerals that cause soap scum and residue. This means fewer water spots and cleaner surfaces for your property. No need to spend extra money on intensive cleaning, maintenance, and cleaning products.

Water Softener System Vs Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

For the water filter system, the reverse osmosis system is best. While reverse osmosis is highly effective for water filtration in kitchen sinks, it’s not for everyone. Due to its high water consumption, it can be wasteful.
Especially in cities of Canada like Toronto, where water quality is average. A water softener system is a better alternative but at WaterMart, we offer services for both options. Here are the Cons of Using Reverse Osmosis Water Filters:

Maintenance And Salt Refills

Reverse osmosis systems are expensive to set up and maintain. Even newer models that promise less waste still need regular maintenance, which is not worth the value for homeowners.

Removes Useful Minerals

As a water filter system, RO systems not only remove harmful contaminants but also take away all beneficial minerals like the required amount of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, along with fluoride. This makes the water more acidic, which can damage pipes and cause toxic metals like lead and copper to get into the water.

Requires Space For Installation

A Reverse Osmosis (RO) system can take up too much space. The exact space needed depends on the model you choose. Typically, a 3 or 4-stage system will measure around 14 inches in width, 7 inches in depth, and between 14 to 17 inches in height. It can be extra challenging due to the substantial under-sink space it requires.

Not Eco-friendly

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are particularly inefficient, wasting three to twenty times more water than they produce. This harms the environment and increases water bills. Also, the reverse osmosis waste brine (leftover salty water) damages marine ecosystems, releases toxic chemicals, and exposes marine life to harmful levels of salt.

Changes in Water Taste

Water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis (RO) systems can taste bland because minerals like calcium and magnesium are removed. This loss of minerals can make drinks like coffee and tea taste worse.

Inefficiency of Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are great at filtering out many impurities, but they don’t remove everything. For example, RO filters can’t remove dissolved gasses such as strong-smelling ones like H2S. To fully purify water, using a Water Softener System with RO is recommended.

Is Water Filtered by Water Softener Good for Health?

Yes, Softened water is beneficial for health as it contains minimal added sodium—only about 50 milligrams per liter. Contrary to popular belief, this amount is significantly lower than common foods like milk or bread. This low level of sodium has no health risk.

Softened water is also beneficial for your skin and hair, as it removes minerals that can cause dryness. Additionally, it improves hydration as it tastes better. Overall, softened water supports a cleaner home environment and water softeners aren’t bad for your health.

Cost of Installing a Water Softener System

Water softeners typically range from $600 to $3,000. To know how much a softener system costs, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Labor and Size of Property: Depending on the number of bathrooms/kitchens in your home, the cost is given. The right water softener size depends on how much water your household uses and hardness levels.
  • Water Testing: A basic water test is affordable (under $50), but a professional test can range up to $500. At WaterMart, we provide free water tests.
  • Plumbing and Installations: Adding or modifying plumbing for the softener can cost between $500 and $2000, depending on the extent of changes needed.
  • Maintenance: Most Water Softener systems work automatically, but may need occasional maintenance, like refilling the salt. This usually costs less than $30 each time.

Get the Right Water Softener For Your Needs

Before buying the system, learn What is necessary About Choosing a Water Softener System:

  • High Efficiency: Look for energy-saving Water Softener systems that also lessen excess contaminations.
  • Durable Construction: Make sure the water softener is built to last or else the investment will be useless.
  • User-Friendly Controls: Go for systems with easy-to-use buttons or setting controls for quick operation. Use the system without any confusion.
  • Low Maintenance: Lastly, Choose a water softener that requires minimal Maintenance. With this, you can spend less time and money on upkeep.

At WaterMart, you get all these benefits and more! Our water softening systems are designed for your requirements (rent or purchase!). They are installed easily by certified experts and come with energy-efficient, self-cleaning features. We also offer optional upgrades such as chlorine and lead filtration to enhance water quality, while ensuring low maintenance.


Overall, hard water causes many financial and health problems like clogged pipes, reduced appliance lifespan, and dry skin plus hair. The best way to deal with this is through an efficient water softener system. Soft water pros outweigh the water softener side effects and it generally improves your lifestyle in many aspects.

Confused about the quality or hardness of your tap water? Reach out for a free water test at WaterMart today!


1. What are the Disadvantages of a Water Softener?

Water softeners can also come with high installation and maintenance costs. While some individuals enjoy the taste and potential health advantages of soft water, certain models also use wastewater during their cleaning cycles.

2. How Many Years Can a Water Softener Work?

Typically, a good water softener can last between 10 to 15 years.

3. Is Using Soft Water Bad for Your Teeth?

Regularly brushing with soft water might lead to whiter and brighter smiles, so it’s not bad.

4. Can Water Softeners Affect Blood Pressure?

Yes, but it depends on how hard the water was originally. Typically, the harder the water, the more sodium it will have after it’s been softened which can affect blood pressure.

Benefits Of Reverse Osmosis System

Big cities like Toronto rely heavily on reverse osmosis systems because RO systems remove 99% of contaminants at an unbelievably lower cost. Therefore, it’s the best investment for safe and pure drinking water in towns and cities.

However, when it comes to the reverse osmosis system, there are contradictory views regarding the safety of its use.

Like any other water treatment system, there are both pros and cons of reverse osmosis water systems that we will discuss later in the article today.

Read on!

What Is Reverse Osmosis Filtration?

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems have been around for over 300 years now. It’s one of the most effective ways to filter water without using chemical or carbon filtration systems.

RO filtration systems use a semi-permeable membrane to extract the contaminants, including chlorine, lead, and arsenic from your tap water, leaving behind clean water safe for drinking, cooking, and cleaning purposes.

Benefits of Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration

As opposed to other water filtration methods, a reverse osmosis system has many advantages, it relies on a pressure system that filters out all the contaminants, saving you energy.

Some other benefits include:

Reverse Osmosis Filters Nearly All Contaminants

According to the EPA, Many high-efficiency reverse osmosis systems remove around 99% of contaminants and other harmful toxins, such as Fluoride, Arsenic, Chlorine, and lead.

This is more than any water filtration system in the market, leaving consumers safe and pure drinking water.

For example, the reverse osmosis systems at Watermart remove contaminants and other harmful substances from your tap water, including pesticides, hormones, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, hexavalent, chromium, radium, and barium.

Environment Friendly And Safer Than Bottled Water

Since RO water works on a pressure system, it requires no electricity and saves energy costs.

Furthermore, in regions where consumers rely on plastic water bottles for safe drinking water, the RO water system reduces plastic waste and eliminates the need for constant water bottle purchases.

Overall, using RO water saves energy, and the environment by reducing the use of plastic bottled water.

Mineral-Less Water May Be Necessary For Certain Uses

RO water removes the most harmful and beneficial minerals from your tap water. While the deficiency of such minerals may cause problems and decrease water pH, it can be beneficial in some cases.

For example, in kidney dialysis, RO water better controls patients’ electrolyte balance. Also, in many laboratory applications, RO water comes in handy to prepare solutions for cell cultures.

Improved Taste And On-Demand Supply

According to the National Library of Medicine, 16% of the adult population in the USA enjoy drinking RO water followed by coffee and tea.

The fact that RO water removes 99% of the contaminants and minerals from your tap water affects the overall taste and odor of water and other beverages. In general, RO water is free from bitterness and metallic taste and the lack of minerals allows the true essence and flavors of the food and beverages, including coffee and tea.

As far as the supply is concerned, many RO water systems can be installed under your sink for the constant supply of water 24/7. It also helps to eliminate the need for plastic bottles and reduce plastic waste.

Save Money With A Reverse Osmosis System

RO water not only helps to save the costs of bottled water but also extends the lifespan of your appliances.

Hard water or water with a lot of contaminants and toxins can potentially harm your appliances and affect their lifespan adversely. The lower mineral content in RO water prevents mineral buildup in your appliances to keep them running for long.

Reverse Osmosis Is More Convenient Than Pitchers

As compared to water filter pitchers, reverse osmosis filtration systems are more convenient because they provide:

  1. Constant supply of water
  2. Automatic filtration process
  3. Faster filtration without waiting for the slow drip of a pitcher filter

Reverse Osmosis Provides Better Water For Cooking

Since RO water removes 99% of the contaminants and minerals, it’s ideal for cooking. That’s because it provides enhanced taste, clearer appearance, and consistent mineral content, especially for baking.

Cons of Using Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Like any other water filtration system, there are some cons of using RO water as well.

Wastes More Water

RO water filtration systems use three times more water than they treat, producing a lot of wastewater.

To help mitigate this issue, choose an RO water system that is highly efficient, such as Watermart.

Removes Healthy Minerals & Decreases pH

While RO water removes a lot of harmful bacteria and minerals from your water, it also eliminates the beneficial ones, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

The absence of mineral content in RO water makes it slightly acidic.

Costly Installation and Maintenance

RO water provides immense benefits, however, it comes with a hefty cost compared to other filtration systems.

They are not only expensive to install, but the ongoing costs of RO water systems are also too high.

Watermart offers RO water systems for rent or purchase for your convenience.

Pressure Drops

Clogged filters, clogged membranes, leaks, and other faulty components may lead to pressure drop. Pressure drops may affect the overall performance of your RO system adversely.

Is Reverse Osmosis Water Good for Health?

Yes, drinking RO water is good for health. However, it has its own set of disadvantages.

One of the biggest advantages of RO water is its lack of minerals, impurities, and contaminants, including harmful bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and heavy metals. As a result, RO water is especially beneficial for people with kidney issues.

The absence of lead, chlorine, and other harmful substances improves your blood pressure and circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, drinking RO water can result in shiny, beautiful, and smooth hair with healthy and stronger nails.

How Much Does an RO Water System Cost?

The average RO system cost depends on many factors, including the type of RO system. Usually, small, under-sink water filters cost less, and large setups, such as a whole-house water filter system cost more.

On average, the cost of an RO water system starts from $400 to $5000.

At Watermart, we offer reverse osmosis water filtration systems for rent or purchase.

Is a Whole-House Reverse Osmosis System Necessary?

The importance of a whole house reverse osmosis system depends on many things, such as the quality of your water, your daily water consumption, and water needs.

The whole house reverse osmosis system is ideal for you if you have severe water contamination and hard water issues.

However, if you have safe drinking water free from contaminants and other harmful toxins or live in areas with water restrictions, the whole house RO system is not the right choice.

We recommend testing your water for contaminants to decide whether you need a whole-house water filter system.

Watermart provides advanced technology whole house RO filter systems that remove contaminants and provide safe drinking water for your loved ones.


Reverse osmosis systems are one of the most effective water treatment methods to remove 99% of contaminants from your tap water. The effectiveness in removing impurities of tap water has no match for other water filtration methods. Besides removing contaminants, RO water offers improved taste and odor and reduces the need for plastic bottles, promoting sustainability.

However, like any other water filtration method, there are some disadvantages of RO water, including the removal of beneficial minerals and water waste. Also, the initial RO installation cost and ongoing costs are much higher than other counterparts.

All in all, RO water is an ideal choice for you if:

  1. You want pure drinking water with little to no contaminants and minerals
  2. You suffer from kidney issues
  3. Installation and ongoing costs are not an issue for you
  4. You take multivitamins and mineral supplements to make up for the lack of minerals.


Is RO Water Good for Health?

Mostly, yes; RO water is safe to drink as it removes 99% of contaminants. However, people with special health concerns should consult a doctor before investing in a reverse osmosis water filter system.

What’s better; a Whole-House RO Water System or an Under-the-Sink RO Water System?

It depends on your needs and water quality. If you want pure water for drinking or cooking purposes only, an under-the-sink filter system is ideal and cost-friendly.

However, if you want pure water in your whole house, a whole-house water system is good for you. Nonetheless, whole-house water systems are costlier than under-sink water filter systems.

Water Filtration System Benefits: Cleaner, Healthier Water for Your Home

Does your tap water taste like chlorine? Are you tired of all the limescale buildup on your dishwasher, kettle, and heaters? You’re not alone! People in Canada often complain about hard water and are always looking for reliable ways to deal with it, such as installing water filtration systems in their homes.

Water filtration systems provide chlorine-free, cleaner, tastier, and healthier drinking water. But that’s not all! There are other benefits of a water filtration system that make it totally worth it.

In this article, we’ll discover the outstanding benefits of water filtration systems, and tips to find the right system for your needs and concerns.

Keep reading!

What Is A Water Filtration System and Its Types?

Your tap water has certain contaminants and chemicals that can influence its taste and odor. Therefore, installing a water filtration system is essential. A water filtration device removes impurities, contaminants, and chemicals from your water, making it safer to drink and better tasting.

There are various types of water filtration systems available in the market:

  1. Activated Carbon Filter: To eliminate the taste and odor of Chlorine from your tap water.
  2. Ion Exchange Method: To remove minerals, such as lead and copper through the ion exchange method.
  3. RO Water System: To eliminate contaminants, salts, and minerals from your water through a semi-permeable membrane.
  4. Mechanical Filter: Use physical filtration to remove dirt, rust, and sediment from your tap water.
  5. UV Filter: Targets bacteria and viruses through UV rays. However, it is ineffective for physical contaminants.

Water Filtration System Benefits

If you live in hard water regions, such as Toronto, Canada, you should install a water filtration system. A filtration system not only makes your tap water soft but also provides the following benefits:

Improves Water Taste And Odor

Hard water can leave an unpleasant metallic taste in your food and beverages because of the presence of calcium, magnesium, lead, and copper. A water filter removes these minerals through an ion exchange method for fresher and cleaner-tasting water.

Removes Harmful Contaminants

Though many water filters are inefficient in removing harmful contaminants directly, they can help reduce lead from leaching into pipes and prevent the water from tasting rusty and metallic.

For removing harmful contaminants from your tap water, it’s recommended to install other water filtration systems, such as RO, UV, and mechanical filtration.

Provides Healthier Drinking Water

No one likes a flat, metallic taste with a faint odor of chlorine in water.

Installing a water system deals with calcium and magnesium ions and swaps them out with sodium ions to make your water safer and healthier to drink.
Water filters allow the natural flavors of your beverages and dishes to shine through by reducing chlorine odor and metallic taste.

Above all, it makes hand washing fun with better lathering, setting the stage for good hygiene.

Protects Plumbing And Appliances

Hard water, rich in calcium and magnesium can wreak havoc on your appliances and plumbing by trapping the minerals. It helps prevent scale buildup on your dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters, keeping them running smoothly for a long time.

Protects Against Waterborne Illnesses

Water filters leave your soap making a rich lather, washing away more dirt and germs to prevent the spread of illness and diseases.

Also, the old piping in your house accumulates lead, ultimately releasing it into our water. Water filters prevent lead from leaching into the pipes to create a cleaner and safer environment.

Note: Combine a water softener and water filtration systems, specially designed to target bacteria and viruses for better results.

Enhances Energy Efficiency, Lowering Utility Bills

Is your water heater running more than it ever should? Hard water is a culprit!

Hard water allows minerals, such as calcium and magnesium to stick to your pipes and water heaters. As a result, they act as an insulator forcing your water heater to work double-time, decreasing the efficiency of your water heater and increasing your energy bills.

Improves Skin And Hair Health

If you have sensitive skin with acne and other conditions, hard water can make it even worse! That’s because the minerals, such as calcium and magnesium can leave a thin film on your skin that causes more irritation and dryness.

Water filters wash away all these impurities and minerals and leave your skin smooth, soft, and healthy.

Similarly, your hair can become brittle, dull, and lifeless with hard water. Water filters allow your shampoos and conditioners to work their magic on your hair for smooth, silky, and manageable hair.

Is A Water Filtration System Worth It?

Nothing compares to the taste and feel of crystal clear, contaminant-free water. But, is it worth the hype? Let’s see.

Whether you should install a water filtration system depends on many factors, including the water quality of your tap water. If your tap water tastes just fine with zero chlorine taste and odor, you’re good to go!

However, if your tap water tastes and smells pungent, a water filtration system can be a game changer for you. It delivers pure, fresh, and delicious water. Also, water filtration systems remove all the contaminants like lead, bacteria, and other harmful stuff and buff away, leaving your water healthy and fresh.

Furthermore, it can leave your hair and skin super healthy, vibrant, and fresh by removing all the contaminants and unnecessary minerals, making your skincare items work faster and more effectively.

However, water filtration systems, especially RO water systems can be hefty on your pocket. Therefore, consider your budget and need to find the right fit for your home.

What is Necessary About Choosing A Water Filtration System?

So, you’ve finally made up your mind to experience the power of effective filtration? Great news! It’s time to choose the right water filter for your needs. Here’s how to find the perfect water filter that provides superior filtration.

Better Performance

The performance of your water filter systems depends on your needs.

If you want to improve the taste of your water, an activated carbon filter would do the job for you. They are affordable and low-maintenance.
For hard water problems, water softening solution is your go-to solution that prevents scale buildup and improves appliance efficiency.
To remove contaminants and harmful viruses/bacteria, an RO water system is the most effective.

Whatever filtration system you choose, make sure they are sustainable and efficient.

Low Maintenance

Admit this: Your water filtration systems need regular maintenance and upkeep.

However, you can look for systems that feature easy-to-replace cartridges and filters to avoid inconvenience.

System Convenience and Usability

Look for the convenience and usability of your filters. They don’t have to be bulky and huge to be effective.

Under-the-sink water filtration systems are a great example of a sleek, easy-to-install, and compact water filter that fits into your kitchen seamlessly to provide phenomenal performance.

Effective Water Hardness Removal

If your main concern is hard water, consider getting a filter that removes hardness effectively.


In general, water filtration systems provide a myriad of benefits for your health, home, and wallet. Some filter systems remove contaminants while others target your hard water problems and improve the taste of your water.

However, to reap the maximum benefits of water filter systems, choose the right filter system suitable for your needs. For example, activated carbon filters target the taste and odor of your water, RO systems deal with a range of contaminants and water softeners make your hard water soft.

Lastly, consider your budget and the maintenance cost of your preferred filtration system. If you want to install an RO system, but are worried about the initial and maintenance costs. Install an under-sink water filter system that is easy on the pocket and low maintenance.


What is the Best Water Filtration Method?

While it depends on your needs and water concerns, the best and most effective water treatment system is the reverse osmosis system. It removes 99% of contaminants and minerals from your water, leaving you pure, fresh, and better-tasting drinking water.

What Are the Most Common Water Filtration Methods?

Some of the most common water filtration methods are activated carbon, RO systems, water softening systems, and UV water systems.

Are Water Filtration Systems Expensive?

It depends on the type of filtration system. Countertop activated carbon systems are affordable and low maintenance. However, RO systems are more expensive with higher initial and ongoing costs.

How to Install Under the Sink Water Filter?

Under-sink water filters are your best bet if you’re looking for a cost-effective solution compared to whole-house filters.

Under the sink water filters provide a discreet filtration system, saving you lots of counter space and providing easy access.

But what is an under-sink water filtration system and how to install it? We’ll uncover these topics and many others in the article today.

Let’s begin!

What Are Under-Sink Water Filters?

Under-sink water filtration systems are installed under the kitchen sink to filter water for improved taste and odor and reduce contaminants from your tap water.

Unlike whole-house filters, under-sink water filters are convenient and readily available, keeping your water clean and countertops clutter-free.

Under the sink water filters are an excellent option if you want filtered water for cooking or drinking purposes only.

What You’ll Need for Under-the-Sink Water Filter Installation?

The tools and equipment to install under the sink water filter system are as follows:


  1. Electric drill
  2. Water filters and cartridges
  3. Sharp scissors or cutters
  4. Screwdriver
  5. Pliers
  6. Adjustable wrench


  1. Teflon tape
  2. Bucket
  3. Pencil or markers
  4. Sandpaper (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide On Installing An Under-Sink Water Filter System

Installing an under-sink water filter system is fairly easy if you’re equipped with the right materials. Also, if your under-sink water filter comes with a faucet, make sure to drill the hole for the faucet beforehand.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on installing an under-sink water filtration system.

Turn Off Your Cold Water Supply

First of all, place a bucket under the connection point to prevent leakage or flooding and catch any drips during the process.

Before starting, make sure to turn off your cold water supply using the wrench. You will find the cold water valve on the right side of the cabinet.

Disconnect the Tubing

Using the wrench, disconnect the tubing by simply loosening with the wrench. Now, disconnect the cold water supply that connects to your faucet.

Install a T-Adapter

T-adapter is responsible for diverting water to your new under-sink water filter system. Using the Teflon tape, wrap the threads on the adapter to make a watertight seal.

Place the T-adapter to the cold water shut-off valve using the wrench and tighten it carefully.

Connect the Tubing to the T-Adapter

If your filter system has pre-cut hoses, wrap the ends of the hoses with Teflon tape.
However, if you need to cut them, use sharp scissors and cut them cleanly.

Attach the inlet hoses to your cold water supply by connecting one end to the T-adopter. Using a wrench, tighten it carefully.

Connect the T-adopter’s other end to the filter housing’s filtered outlet and tighten the connection with a wrench.

Install the Faucet

Skip this step if your system doesn’t come with a faucet!

If it does, drill a hole using a drill machine to let your faucet fit securely. Please refer to the user manual of your under-sink filter for proper placement.

After installation, connect the faucet tap to the filter tubing with the supplies provided by your manufacturer.

Mount the Filtration System

This is the step where you secure your water filter underneath your sink.

Look for a suitable spot with enough space to accommodate the complete filter system. Also, leave room for regular maintenance and comfortable filter changes.

Avoid mounting the filtration system in locations near the cabinet floor or sidewall to prevent wobbling or vibrating.

Connect it to Your Plumbing

After you’ve successfully mounted your under-sink water filter, it’s time to connect it to your plumbing.

Identify the inflow and outflow ports (the inflow port carries untreated water for filtration and the outflow port carries filtered water to the new faucet).

Connect one end of the faucet tubing to the outflow port and tighten it securely with a wrench. Connect the cold water supply to the inflow port, and tighten it securely.

Before turning on the water supply, check out the connections for loose fittings or gaps.

Turn the Water Back On

Turn the water back on clockwise slowly and gradually and check for leaks.

If your water filter has a shut-off valve, make sure it’s open so the water flows through the filter.
Note: Losing a small amount of water during the initial setup is completely normal. However, any persistent leaks require immediate attention. If this happens, turn off the water supply immediately and tighten all the connections.

Contact with an expert if the problem persists.

Flush the Filters

Flushing the filters is the last step of installing an under-sink water filter that ensures pure drinking water.

Flush the filters while keeping the water supply on and checking the connections for potential leaks. Consult your user manual’s instructions on how to flush the filters properly.

Usually, the best way to flush the filters involves running water through the filter for a definite amount of time so any debris, contaminants, or carbon leave the system.

Once the flushing time is complete, turn off the water supply and discard the flushed water in a bucket.

Do You Need an Expert or Can DIY it?

Under-sink water filter systems are easy to install if you have extensive plumbing experience or if you’re comfortable DYing it.

However, if you have limited plumbing experience and knowledge about plumbing tools and materials, it’s best to hire professional installation services to install an under-sink water filter system at your home.

Watermart provides innovative solutions that treat the water you drink and cook with through under-sink cottage systems.

However, if you have an existing under-sink water filter system, our team of professionals provides exceptional installation and maintenance services to deliver pure, safe drinking water every time.

Benefits of Installing Under the Sink Water Filter System

Investing in an under-sink water filter system is the best decision of your life because it provides immense benefits for you and your loved ones.

  1. It gets rid of the unpleasant Chlorine taste and pungent odor from your tap water and makes it pleasant to drink and cook with.
  2. Under-sink water filters remove harmful contaminants from your tap water, including lead, mercury, and chlorine by-products to lower potential health risks.
  3. Many under-sink water filter systems target harmful microorganisms, such as E. Coli and cysts from your tap water to provide superior protection against harmful bacteria and other toxins.
  4. Under-the-sink water systems are versatile and can fit easily under any sink without compromising performance.

After the Installation of the Under-the-sink System

So, you’ve finally installed your under-the-sink water filtration system? It’s time to remember some important things to keep your system up and running effectively.

  1. It’s crucial to flush your water filter every 2 weeks to remove carbon particles and other contaminants.
  2. Replace your filter cartridges every 6 months to maintain superior performance and enjoy drinking pure and safe water.
  3. If you notice any leaks during the use, turn off the water supply immediately and consult an expert.

Under-sink water filters, however undemanding, can work wonders if maintained properly for a long time.


Under-the-sink water filters are ideal for you if you want filtered water for daily drinking and cooking in your kitchen for easy access. They are also a cost-effective solution as compared to whole-house filter systems.

The best part? You can install it yourself by following the simple steps shared in this article above.

However, if you’re not comfortable with DIY solutions for your under-sink water filter system, Watermart provides easy installation and maintenance services for all water filtration systems to deliver pure and safe drinking water.

Schedule a call with us today and book a service.


How Much Does It Cost To Install A Water Filter Under The Sink?

The cost of installation depends on many factors, including your location, cost of labor, and your water filter system.

However, the average cost of installing an under-sink water filtration system ranges from $200 to $350 in general.

Is An Under-Sink Water Filter Worth It?

If you need filtered water for cooking or drinking purposes in the kitchen only, an under-sink water filter is all you need for a healthier lifestyle.




Save $100 – On Every New Water Filter System