
What is a Reverse Osmosis System & How Does It Work?

Bottled water can be too expensive and tap water may have a typical Chlorine taste or odor that is a total turn-off for many residents. Toronto’s tap water usually meets safety standards, but some areas have extremely hard water.

The safest affordable solution? Installing a reverse osmosis system (RO system) for your home to get rid of contaminants, such as lead, arsenic, Chlorine, and other hard water materials.

What is the Reverse Osmosis Water System?

Like water softening systems, a reverse osmosis system is also a water treatment system that involves a semi-permeable membrane. The membrane helps to remove water contaminants, such as Chlorine, Arsenic, and lead, under pressure.

An RO water system allows water to flow through a semipermeable membrane with tiny pores. The tiny pores in the membrane allow only water to pass through it, filtering out all the solids, hard minerals, and other contaminants.

As a result, the filtered or pure water is collected in the membrane and impurities and other contaminants flush away.

The Working of Reverse Osmosis System

RO water systems work on the basic principle of reverse natural osmosis. An RO system uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities, hard minerals, contaminants, bacteria, etc by applying pressure and providing clean and fresh drinking water.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how a reverse osmosis water system works:

The tap water enters sediment filters and carbon filters. Sediment filters collect all the dirt, sand, and other physical impurities in your tap water. Carbon filters cater to Chlorine taste and odor issues.
The pre-filtered water is passed through a high-pressure pump to push the contaminants into the water through osmosis.
The water is then passed through a semi-permeable membrane that blocks solids, minerals, and other contaminants, including viruses and bacteria.
The filtered, fully purified water enters one side of the membrane. This water is ready to use for cooking and drinking purposes.
The contaminants, minerals, and other solids are collected on the other side of the membrane. These are later flushed away.

Comparison Between Reverse Osmosis and Other Water Treatment Options

All the water treatment options available today target different concerns. In this section, we will focus on three major options:

Water Softener


Water softeners systems help remove Calcium and Magnesium ions in your water through the process of ion exchange method. It allows you to get rid of those stubborn stains of soap scum and scale buildup in pipes and appliances. Water softeners need salt for regeneration and may increase sodium levels in your water.

Therefore, people struggling with hard water issues should go for water softeners. However, if you’re looking to address other contaminants, there are better options for you.

Tankless RO Filtration Systems

As the name suggests, Tankless RO Filtration Systems provide pure, fresh, and filtered water that can be used instantly. They have a lower capacity than tank RO systems but work best if you want on-demand filtered water.

Regular Water Filter

If your main concern is chlorine odor, taste, and other sediment issues, regular water filters are the best option. However, keep in mind that while improving water quality, they are not effective against other contaminants to make your tap water pure and fresh.

Why is Reverse Osmosis Beneficial for Your Health?

It is undoubtedly true that reverse osmosis water is beneficial for your health as it has the least contaminants and bacteria.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of RO water.

  1. RO water systems are popular for removing many contaminants, including lead, arsenic, and heavy metals that cause long-term health issues.
  2. Reverse Osmosis Water also lacks Chlorine which leads to enhanced taste of water, coffee, tea, and other fluids.
  3. RO water is also helpful for people with compromised immune systems as it removes most bacteria and viruses that cause certain diseases.
  4. It is also good for people on dialysis as they need very pure water.

Now that we have discussed the benefits, let’s look at some drawbacks of RO water.

Water obtained from the RO water system is dead water, i.e., free of beneficial minerals, including Calcium and Magnesium. Good minerals provide key health benefits and ensure a healthy lifestyle.

To cater to these issues, many RO water systems come with remineralization filters to make the water alkaline.

Watermart offers an exceptional RO water system that offers improved water quality with remineralization options to make your water completely free of harmful contaminants and increase essential mineral intake simultaneously.

However, we always suggest testing your water before going for any water treatment options to see what contaminants are present.

Which Water Elements Reverse Osmosis Doesn’t Remove?

While being highly effective in making your water contaminant-free, there are certain elements that RO water systems do not remove.

Organic Compounds

Some organic compounds, such as pesticides and other volatile organic compounds have fine particles to pass through the semi-permeable membrane. Therefore, these organic compounds usually pass through the membrane depending on their size and charge and may contaminate the water.

Bacterial Microorganisms

Some bacterial microorganisms are tiny enough to pass through the RO system. Therefore, they are not effective in removing 100% bacteria.

Chlorine By-Products

Chlorine by-products such as THMs and HAAs, may stay untreated with RO systems because of their chemical structure.

However, the effectiveness of RO water systems to remove chlorine and its by-products is significant.

Dissolved Gasses

Gasses, such as Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Radon usually stay untreated with reverse water osmosis systems, irritating your respiratory system.

What Kind of Maintenance Is Required After Installing Reverse Osmosis System?

Now that you’re sure your home needs a reverse osmosis water system, it’s time to get into some technicalities.

Like every other water treatment option, Reverse osmosis water systems need regular maintenance and upkeep for better performance.

First of all, the filters of an RO system need to be replaced every 6 months. However, the time frame depends on your water usage and quality.

Moreover, an RO membrane should work fine for 5 years, depending on your water quality and filter maintenance. However, it should be replaced after every 5 years to improve efficiency and maintain water quality.

At Watermart, we make things easier for you! Our high-quality water filters are low maintenance and ONLY require periodic replacements of filter cartridges.

Enjoy a hassle-free water treatment option for cleaner, safer, and fresher drinking water without spending over a thousand bucks on maintenance. Schedule your water consultation today.

What Is The Average Cost Of Installing an RO Water System?

The total cost of installing an RO water system depends on many factors, including your water usage and water quality. However, for smaller set-ups of the RO system, the price is less as compared to larger set-ups.

On average, the cost of installing RO systems can go from anywhere between $400 to $5000.

At Watermart, you can get the complete reverse osmosis water system for rent or purchase.

Schedule your FREE water consultation to get a quote.


Reverse osmosis water treatment systems effectively remove many contaminants from your tap water, including lead, arsenic, chlorine, bacteria, and viruses. However, while they remove bad minerals, you also get deprived of all the good minerals, making the RO water slightly acidic.

To get those minerals back in your water, all you need is a special reverse osmosis system that reintroduces the good minerals, including Calcium and Magnesium back into your water, making it alkaline and providing you complete peace of mind.

At Watermart, you can order an RO system that reintroduces the minerals back, gets rid of most contaminants effectively, and offers you improved water quality. Not just that, our RO system comes with standard-size, universally available filters that make the maintenance seamless.

Contact us now and get a FREE water consultation with our water treatment experts today.


Is It Healthy To Drink Ro Water Daily?

Yes, it is healthy to drink RO water daily, provided that you take a balanced diet and do not suffer from acid reflux or gastrointestinal issues.

What Is The Ph Of Ro Water?

The pH of water is somewhere between 6.0 to 6.5, making it acidic. However, reintroducing the good minerals into your water is a great way to make it alkaline.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Ro Water At Home?

The benefits of RO water include

  1. It removes contaminants from your water, including harmful viruses and bacteria
  2. RO water system improves the taste of your water and eliminates the sour odor and taste of chlorine from your water.
  3. According to IWA Publishing, RO water system removes 99% of contaminants and minerals from your water supply..
  4. RO water systems require minimal maintenance and upkeep.


Water Softener VS Water Filter: Which One is Good?

If you live in Toronto, you might have noticed the white, stubborn film on your kettle or a faint metallic scent in your tap water. The worst of all, is those ugly reddish-brown stains on your whites that leave you wanting more cleaning products.

Whatever it is, the culprit is hard water—a common issue in many parts of the world, including Toronto, Canada. But how do you determine if you have hard water? Or if you need a water softener or water filter for clean and healthy tap water?

Read on!

What is Hard Water and How It’s Dangerous for Health?

Fun Fact: According to Healthline, hard water is not inherently dangerous for health. However, it can affect your lifestyle adversely.

Hard water travels through your pipes and leaves calcium and magnesium behind. Over time, you notice white crusty layers on your utensils, showerheads, and even dishes that won’t clean up even after aggressive scrubbing.

As far as your physical health is concerned, hard water messes up your skin and hair, stripping away natural oils and leaving them dry, brittle, and dull.

Overall, hard water reduces the efficiency of your appliances and shortens the lifespan of your washing machines, dishwashers, and kettles.

What Do Water Softeners Do?

Water softeners help to soften hard water by removing minerals through an ion exchange mechanism to boost the efficiency of your appliances.

Water softeners work by modifying the properties of water using small resin beads. Here’s how the overall process works:

1. The softener system comes with a tank, which is filled with thousands of resin beads. These resin beads act like tiny magnets and attract the ions of Calcium and Magnesium to cling to them rather than staying in the water.

2. Once the traces of minerals are stuck to the resin beads, the resin releases sodium ions into the water, making it softer.

3. Water softeners go through a regeneration cycle for better performance. The cycle involves adding a strong brine solution in a separate tank to wash away the hard water minerals from the resin beads. The regeneration cycle is important so your softener can handle more hard water over time.

Advantages of Using Water Softener

Hard water may possess no potential health risks to you, but installing a water softener makes a remarkable difference to your overall health and lifestyle.

Besides sparkling dishes and bathroom tubs, here are a few other advantages of using water softeners.

Prevention Of Scale Buildup

Those stubborn white films on your kettle, faucets, showerheads, and bathtub rings are a result of hard water in your area. Water softeners prevent scale buildup on your dishes and other surfaces, keeping your home clean and hygienic with less aggressive scrubbing.

Improved Appliance Efficiency

Water softeners prevent the accumulation of scale inside your water heaters and other appliances that may lead to reduced efficiency. Soft water allows your appliances to work more efficiently without disrupting your energy bills, saving you more money.

Enhanced Efficiency of Cleaning Products

Tired of soap scum or mineral stains? We’ve got you covered!

Soap water helps in cleaning more effectively by making soap and detergent work better, ultimately helping you save money on your water bills.

Moreover, your laundry always comes out fresh with vibrant colors and whitey whites.

What Do Water Filters Do?

Unlike water softeners, water filters target a different set of concerns and filter out the contaminants in your water supply for improved health and enhanced water taste and odor.

Water filters are responsible for removing unwanted chemicals and contaminants from your water, including Chlorine, lead, bacteria, and other harmful toxins to keep you healthy.

Here’s how water filters usually work:

  1. Most water filters use a physical barrier, such as a filter media or mesh to trap sediment, dirt, contaminants, and other particles to keep it free of impurities and bacteria.
  2. Many filters work through the process of chemical absorption where activated carbon is used to improve the taste and odor of your water.
  3. Advanced water filters use RO systems that allow your water to pass through a semi-permeable membrane, removing bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals.

What are Iron and Sulfur Filters?

Iron and Sulphur are the major reasons for rusty stains on laundry and fixtures and the rotten smell from your tap water.
At Watermart, we provide complete tailored solutions to tackle issues related to sulfur and iron through our advanced filters that target and remove the source of odor.
Here are a few benefits of our iron and sulfur filters you can enjoy:

  1. Fresh, clean, and odor-free water for drinking and cooking.
  2. Sparkling clean laundry with zero rusty stains.
  3. Unclogged pipes and fixtures for a better living environment.
    However, before investing in an iron and sulfur filter, we recommend getting your water tested FREE of cost to determine the levels of iron and sulfur in your home.

Advantages of Using Water Filter

Remove unwanted and harmful contaminants from your water that affect the taste and odor with proper water filtration systems.

Here are a few benefits of installing water filters at home:

Improved Taste And Odor

Get rid of that acidic and fuzzy water aftertaste. Water filters filter out many contaminants and chemicals, including Chlorine that affect the taste and odor of your water, leaving behind fresh, healthy, and hygienic drinking water.

Removal Of Contaminants

Based on the type of filter you have, water filters remove many contaminants, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances from your water for a safer and healthier lifestyle.

Flavorful Coffee and Tea

Hard water can be a real party pooper if you’re a true coffee or tea fan. The calcium and magnesium in hard water interact with coffee grounds and alter the taste and aroma of coffee and tea. With water filters, you can enjoy flavorful cups of coffee, tea, and other hot drinks.

Water Treatment Options For Best Water

At Watermart, we provide the two most viable water treatment options for pure water.

Reverse Osmosis System

A reverse osmosis system is a popular water treatment to remove chemicals and other harmful contaminants from well water. Later, you can re-introduce the useful minerals to make the water alkaline.

Reverse Osmosis Systems are ideal for households with weakened immune systems to offer the highest level of water purification.

At Watermart, we offer a highly advanced and eco-friendly solution tailored to your preferences that removes a broad range of contaminants.

Whole House Filter System

Whole house filtration systems are an allrounder, providing pure, clean, and filtered water throughout your home.

At Watermart, we use catalytic carbon to remove chlorine and chloramines and improve the taste of your water. Catalytic carbon is a cost-effective solution with a 40% longer lifespan for residential water filters as opposed to standard activated carbon.

Which Water Treatment System Should I Have in My House?

It depends on your needs and household requirements. However, if you have well water or are facing some serious health concerns, installing an RO water system is your best bet.

Otherwise, if you want to improve taste, remove contaminants, and protect your appliances, a whole-house water filter system is an ideal option.

Whatever you choose, make sure to consult water treatment specialists for making an informed choice.

Watermart has a team of experts who assess your water quality and individual needs to provide the perfect solution. Contact us for a FREE water consultation today.


Now that you know the difference between a water softener and a water filter, it’s easy to choose between the two according to your needs.

If you’re facing scale buildup issues, dingy laundry and appliance inefficiency, a water softener should be your go-to.

However, if you have contamination concerns such as water impurities, Chlorine taste, and potential health risks, install a water filter to remove unwanted elements, keeping the water clean, fresh, and safe.

Furthermore, consult water treatment experts to test your water and assess the water quality to find the perfect solution for your home.
Schedule your free test from Watermart today.


Does a Water Softener Filter Water?

No, a water softener doesn’t filter water like water filters. Water softeners soften the hard water by removing calcium and magnesium through an ion exchange process.

What is the Difference Between a Water Softener and a Water Filter?

Water softeners target calcium and magnesium in your water through an ion exchange process. They do not remove contaminants such as Chlorine, lead, and bacteria.

Water filters purify the water by removing contaminants such as Chlorine, lead, and bacteria. Water filters use physical barriers or catalytic carbon to remove unwanted elements from your water.

Which is Better: a Water Softener or Water Filter?

It depends on your individual needs. If your main goal is to improve the efficiency of your appliances or prevent soap scum and better hair, nails, and skin, water softeners are your best option.

However, if you have health concerns and want to remove contaminants from your water supply, a water filter is the right choice.

Is Water Softening Safe?

Yes, water softening is completely safe as long as you’re cleaning and maintaining your softening equipment regularly.

What Size of Water Softener Do I Need?

Soap scum, dry skin, brittle hair, and ring around the bathtubs! Does it sound familiar? Chances are you need a water softener.

Toronto is infamous for moderately hard water with a water hardness of 117 mg/liter, causing many problems, including dry skin, scalp, and hair loss. The most viable solution to dealing with water hardness is installing softening systems of the right size.

At Water Mart, we provide tailored water softening solutions for your needs. Our advanced systems are self-cleaning and energy-efficient, engineered to reduce the levels of Magnesium and Calcium in your water tank.

But what size of water softener do you need to properly soften hard water at home?

Let’s find out.

How To Properly Size a Water Softener?

Installing water softening systems is ineffective if you haven’t properly sized it. Therefore, choosing the right size is crucial for optimal performance. Here’s how to determine water softener size.

Household Size and Water Usage

The first step in measuring the size of a water softener is to determine the overall household size and water usage.

In general, an average person consumes around 60 to 70 gallons of water a day. If you multiply this figure by your household size, you get an estimate of your daily water usage. Furthermore, checking your water bill provides a more accurate estimate of overall water usage.

Determining the Hardness of Your Water

The only factor that decides how big of a system you need is water hardness level. The higher the hardness, the more advanced the system to effectively remove the minerals from your water supply.

Water hardness is measured in Grains Per Gallon (GPG). The higher GPG indicates more dissolved minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, lead, etc. You can find your water hardness level by accessing the annual water quality report. However, there are more reliable options to determine the water hardness.

How to Measure Your Water Hardness Level?

Besides checking out your annual water quality report, there are two other ways to measure your water hardness level.

Professional water testing for accurate measurement, which is 100% FREE, is one of the most reliable ways to measure water hardness. The results we provide are not mere figures, but also a comprehensive guide to water softening systems as per the GPG, ppm, or mg/L level for your hard water.

The other common option includes getting a home test kit from online stores or local hardware stores to check the water hardness level.

What Does Grain Capacity Mean?

Grain capacity is the unit to measure the total amount of minerals in the water. For instance, one grain is equal to 1/7000th of a pound.

Thus, a water softener should have a 32,000-grain capacity to remove 32,000 grains of hardness from the water and so on.

Ion exchange softeners must be recharged through a regeneration cycle, especially when the resin beads in the appliance become fully saturated with hardness grains.

The regeneration process allows the resin beads to be rinsed with a salt solution to clean the softener’s bed for efficient working.

Note: You need a higher grain capacity if you have high water hardness levels. 

Do All Water Softeners Use Salt?

No. Salt softeners come in two major categories. However, if you have moderately hard/hard/extremely hard water, only salt softeners would help you get rid of the mineral content.

Salt Based Water Softeners

This is the most common and effective method to remove high mineral content from your water. Salt-based water softeners use an ion exchange method with a resin bed filled with sodium ions.

The hard water is allowed to flow through the resin bed where sodium ions take the place of the mineral content, such as Calcium and Magnesium and sweep them out during a regeneration cycle.

Salt-Free Water Softeners (Water Conditioners)

The salt-free water softeners do not actually remove the hardness. Instead, they change the physical properties of minerals.

Salt-free water softeners are not effective for very hard water like that of Toronto. Moreover, they are low maintenance with low initial cost as compared to salt-based water conditioners.

Pro Tip: If you’re based in Toronto, Canada, or in places with very hard water, a salt-based softener is the way to go.

What are the Benefits of Using Efficient Water Softeners?

Investing in a water softener is the best investment you could ever make, especially in areas where water hardness is high.

However, some water softeners in the market do a below-average job and add to your expenses. At WaterMart, we provide the best, most cost-effective, and energy-efficient water softening systems your home would love!

Here are a few benefits of using efficient water softeners in your home.

  1. Efficient salt-based water softeners use less salt during the regeneration cycle, saving you money.
  2. They contribute to lower water bills and reduce environmental damage by using less water during the regeneration cycles.
  3. Cost-effective, energy-efficient water softeners are self-cleaning and ensure hassle-free maintenance and increased peace of mind.
  4. Efficient water softeners use less intense regeneration processes, improving the lifespan of your appliance.

How Much Water Does Your Softener Need To Handle?

Once the water hardness levels in your area are confirmed, it’s time to make an informed decision about how much water your softener needs to handle.

Mainly, it comes down to two main points:

Water Hardness: The higher the water hardness, the more water your softener needs to handle.

Daily Water Consumption: The higher the daily consumption of water, the more water your softeners need overall.

To measure the amount of water your softener needs to handle a week, we use a simple formula:
Daily Water Usage (gallons) x Water Hardness (GPG) x 7 (days in a week) = Total Grains Required
Here’s how you calculate the perfect amount of water your softener needs to handle.

Pro Tip: Always add 25% more to the result for unexpected water usage spikes.

The Impact of Flow Rate

Accessing the flow rates in your household is also crucial before choosing the ideal water softener for your home. Usually, the number of people in a household equals the amount of water consumption.

For example, if you have two people in your home, the flow rate would be less as compared to when there are around 6 or 7 people living in a household.

Therefore, if your water softener cannot handle the flow, it would cause errors and would be inefficient in treating hardness for the entire household.

Thus, the flow also affects the amount of water your softener needs to handle.

Consequences of Improperly Sizing Your Water Softener

Imagine installing a highly efficient, cost-effective, and self-cleaning water system only to find it doesn’t actually work as it should. How heartbreaking!

However, the issue doesn’t even lie with your water softener but with your sizing estimates. If you’re improperly sizing your water softener, it won’t have the capacity to remove hardness from your water, resulting in scale buildup, soap, scum, and other problems.

Above all, an undersized softener requires increased maintenance services to compensate for its limited capacity. Therefore, it is important to properly size your water softener before making a final decision.

Is an Oversized Water Softener Bad?

An oversized water softener is not as problematic as an undersized one, even so, it’s not recommended.

To cater to your water hardness problems, an oversized water softener does the job well. However, it doesn’t help much as far as efficiency is concerned.

Here are a few problems associated with an oversized water softener:

  1. Large water softening systems use more salt per regeneration cycle, resulting in an increased cost over time.
  2. An oversized softener uses more water per cycle to flush out the hard minerals, contributing to a higher water bill.
    Large-capacity softener units have higher initial costs.
  3. Therefore, using a water softener of an ideal size is essential to keeping your environment and cost at bay.

If you’re unsure about the right size of water softener you need, schedule a FREE water consultation at Water Mart today.

Why Should I Buy a High-Efficiency Water Softener?

Water softening systems don’t just remove water hardness, they change your whole lifestyle, translating to cleaner dishes, softer and fresher clothes, and a longer lifespan of your appliances.

At WaterMart, we make sure you choose a high-efficiency water softener that stands the test of time and offers perks that no ordinary water softener could compete with.

Customize Your Water Softness Settings

Everyone needs a different level of water softness, and this is why water softeners from Watermart are a game changer!

You can easily customize your water softness settings as per your needs. Whether you like your water super soft or slightly firmer for washing dishes or doing laundry, you’ve got this!

Integrated Tracking System

The high-efficiency softeners from Watermart feature a built-in tracking system to monitor the salt levels and notify you when it’s time to refill.

Our unique integrated system allows optimal performance without disruptions in your soft water supply.

Control From Anywhere

Manual work? Say no more!

Using the Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff, you can control your softener and protect your peace of mind. This option allows you to monitor leaks and shut off your water to prevent any catastrophic damage—all from the convenience of a device!

Lower Monthly Water, Salt, And Electricity Costs

Better lifestyle at the best cost.

The water softeners from Watermart are cost and energy-efficient. They use advanced technologies to minimize salt and water consumption during the cleaning process.

Automated Service Notifications

Stay updated about everything.

We recommend regular maintenance to keep your water softeners up and running smoothly. To save you the hassle, Watermart offers you automated service notifications to receive routine maintenance alerts, ensuring your softeners stay top-notch for many years to come.

Household Appliances Last Longer

Hard water can be a disaster for your appliances with scale buildup and scum.

At Watermart, we make sure to remove the minerals, preventing buildup and allowing your household appliances to last longer and operate more efficiently.


Whether you want luxurious showers, squeaky clean dishes, sparkling bathrooms, and longer appliance life, investing in a highly efficient water softener is the answer. Water softeners offer you the complete healthy lifestyle you’ve been seeking for so long.

With amazing features and self-cleaning mechanisms, the softeners from Watermart stay top of the list combating the hard water of Toronto, Canada, and providing a superior water treatment experience.

We also offer other options and upgrades for your water softeners, including Sediment filter, MediaGuard, and Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff. If you’re not sure what’s suitable for your needs, schedule a call today for a FREE water consultation.

Don’t know if you have hard water? Fret not! Schedule a FREE water test now!


How Do I Calculate Water Softener Size?

You can calculate your water softener size by determining your water hardness and daily water consumption per household. Now, as a rule of thumb, multiply your daily water usage and water hardness to calculate the grain capacity for accurate water softener size.

What is the Ideal Size of Water Softener for 7 People?

The ideal size of water softener for 7 people for 5-10 GPG is 48,000 Grains.

Can I Get Small Water Softeners?

A softener that is too small is inefficient for your needs and wears down faster. Similarly, an oversized water softener will cost you more money and waste resources. Therefore, getting the right-sized water softener is essential for removing all the water hardness while being cost and energy-efficient.

Is There an Alternative to Water Softeners?

Water conditioners are the closest to water softeners where there is moderately soft water. However, in regions such as Toronto, Canada, water conditioners won’t work because of high mineral content.

How Much Maintenance do Water Softening Systems Require?

Water softeners require little to no maintenance. Just add salt to the system and schedule annual maintenance with professional service providers, and you’re good to go!

At Watermart, we offer self-cleaning systems to ensure hassle-free maintenance and our automated service notifications send routine alerts for maintenance.

What is a Water Softener System—A Comprehensive Guide

Imagine showering with a soap that doesn’t lather, making coffee that tastes horrendous, and scrubbing dishes with persistent white spots. Nerve-wracking, isn’t it? Hard water can be a serious challenge to some people, but not anymore!

Luckily, there’s a lifesaver that softens hard water and improves the efficiency of your appliances like no other; the water softener systems.

But what exactly is a water softening system and how does it work? We’ll find out in this article. Also, we’ll discuss the major differences between water softeners, water filters, and water conditioners later in the article.

Stay with us!

What is a Water Softener?

Water softeners are popular water treatment solutions to turn your hard water into soft water. They primarily work by the principle of ion exchange method that removes high levels of dissolved minerals from your water supply, such as Calcium and Magnesium.

Water softeners today are highly efficient, affordable, and self-cleaning. They require less maintenance and upkeep.

At Watermart, you can even rent or purchase water softening systems with additional perks, such as Sediment filters, leak prevention, and Chlorine and Lead removal.

How Do Water Softeners Work?

Water softeners work on the basic principle of the ion exchange method. Suppose Calcium Magnesium and other hard water minerals are positively charged ions that cling to your water molecules.

Water treatment solutions, such as water softeners, have tiny resin beads that attract positively charged ions. As a result, the Calcium and Magnesium ions cling to the resin beads, allowing them to release sodium ions into the water. This process turns your hard water into soft water.

In simple words, hard water enters the water softener tank where all the dissolved mineral ions cling to the resin beads. As a result, sodium ions take the place of magnesium and calcium ions, transforming hard water into soft water.
When the resin beads are over-saturated with hard minerals, the softening system starts a regeneration cycle. The cycle allows the brine to wash over the beads that flush out the trapped minerals and restore the sodium ions for effective softening.

Water Softener vs. Water Conditioner vs. Water Filtration System

Water softener, water conditioner, and water filter are some of the common terms for the whole water treatment solution process.

We’ll demonstrate the differences, functions, and benefits of each process in this guide.

Water Softener

Water softeners remove Calcium and Magnesium ions from your water, making it soft. They work on the principle of ion exchange method to trap hard minerals and replace them with sodium ions. Water softeners help in reducing scale buildup and improve lathering for efficient cleaning.

Water Conditioner

Water conditioners alter the structure of hard minerals without removing the minerals. The process is usually done with physical barriers to alter the hardness of minerals and prevent scale buildup. They improve the taste and odor of water and allow for deep cleaning of utensils and appliances.

Water Filtration System

Water filters remove impurities and other contaminants from your water supply, including lead, bacteria, Chlorine, and sediment. Water filters use activated carbon, reverse osmosis, and mechanical filtration.

At Watermart, we use catalytic carbon for chloramine reduction in place of standard activated carbon to efficiently reduce the Chloramine levels in your water.

Benefits of Water Softeners

Besides, cleaner, pure drinking water, here are some amazing benefits of water softeners for your home.

Effectively Soften Water

Water softeners use the ion exchange method to effectively soften hard water with zero scale buildup in pipes and appliances. The soft water also allows for better cleaning, resulting in sparkling dishes, and bathtubs.

Protect Appliances

Calcium and Magnesium from hard water accumulate inside your appliances over time and cling to the heating elements or internal components of your appliances. As a result, your appliances have to work overtime to heat the water, reducing their efficiency.
Water softeners remove the hard minerals from your water to prevent insulation and maintain uniform water flow throughout your home.

Enhance Cleaning

Hard water prevents your detergent and soap from lathering properly, allowing more soap to be used with reduced cleaning power. Furthermore, hard water leaves a soapy, filmy residue on your dishes, clothes, and skin, making it drier, duller, and brittle.

Soft water effectively deals with these issues and provides clear cleaning advantages, including superior lathering, reduced soap scum, cleaner dishes, brighter skin, and smooth, silky hair.

Last Over A Decade

Highly efficient water softeners can last over a decade provided that they go through regular maintenance and inspection for leaks for optimal performance and longevity.

Pro Tip: To increase the lifespan of your softeners, use high-quality salt, specially designed for softeners to prevent clogging.

Disadvantages of Water Softeners

Water softeners offer numerous benefits for homes. Nonetheless, there are some disadvantages to consider.

May Put Too Much Sodium Into Water

Sodium content is usually safe to consume for healthy individuals. However, people with health conditions or on a sodium-restricted diet should avoid installing a water softener as it adds high sodium content into water.

Expensive To Install And Maintain

The initial cost of a water softener is very high. Not to mention the recurring costs for salt and regular maintenance can be high.

Can Overload A Septic System

Water softeners may have a negative impact on the environment because of the regeneration process.

Produce Wastewater

The regeneration process also uses significant water to clean the resin beads, producing wastewater.


Water softeners are an excellent choice for people looking to treat hard water in their homes. They allow you to live a happy, healthy life with no scum and scale buildup, better cleaning, shiny thick long hair, and beautiful spotless skin.

The benefits of water softeners go beyond squeaky clean bathtubs and dishes. They protect your appliances and increase their lifespan. Also, if used and maintained properly, they can last you a lifetime.

However, if your water concerns are only limited to treating contaminated water with bacteria and viruses, or if you have health concerns, water filters might be the right choice for you.

At Watermart, we offer a comprehensive range of water treatment solutions tailored to your needs. Schedule a water test with us for FREE today.


Do Water Softeners Require Maintenance?

Yes, water softeners require regular maintenance and upkeep for optimal performance.

What Should You Know About Salt Replacement?

Salt replacement is a crucial step in enhancing the performance of your water softeners.

During the process of regeneration, your brine tank runs out of salt. The salt replacement is necessary to ensure the proper working of your softener along with regular maintenance. The frequency of salt replacement depends on your water consumption, water hardness levels, and softener size.

The general rule of thumb is to refill the tank when it’s half empty.

How Long Does A Water Softener Last?

If used properly under regular maintenance, a highly effective water softener lasts over a decade.

What Are the Smart Features of a Water Softener?

At Watermart, we have smart upgrades and options to keep your softener working continuously. Our system connects to your phone and allows you to detect changes in mineral levels. It also allows you to monitor and control the water flow to prevent leaking.

What Are The Best Softener Options?

We offer different softening options based on your needs, water hardness levels, household size, and water usage. Schedule a call with our team to get a FREE water consultation.

How Do You Choose The Right Softener?

Choosing the right water softener depends on many variables, including water hardness levels, water consumption, and household size. Above all, it’s recommended to do a water test to understand your hardness level. Book your FREE water test here.

How Do You Know Your Softening Needs?

If you’re facing issues, such as scale buildup, soap scum, water spots on dishes, dry skin, brittle hair, and inefficient cleaning, chances are you need a water softener.

However, testing your water by professional experts to understand softening needs is highly recommended. At Watermart, you can schedule professional water testing services for FREE.

What Is Water Softener Salt?

The most commonly used water softener salt is Sodium Chloride (brine). However, sometimes Potassium Chloride is also used in place of Sodium. These salts attract Magnesium and Potassium ions and transform your home’s hard water into soft water.

What Is a Whole House Water Filter and How Does It Work?

Even though the water supply in Toronto meets certain standards of quality, any issue like a natural disaster, heavy rainfall, or a boil advisory can contaminate the water. In 2000, more than 2300 people in Ontario suffered from severe sickness because bacteria entered their water systems.
Therefore, to prevent contaminated water from entering the pipelines of your house, whole-house water filters are gaining popularity. But what is a whole house water filtration system, and what does it do? If you have the same questions, we are here to lead you to the right answers!
We will discuss what are whole-house water filters, how whole house filters work, and which type of filter is the most suitable for you.

What Is a Whole House Water Filtration System?

Whole house water filters, also commonly known as point-of-entry water filters, are installed at the main water pipeline and filter out the contaminated water before it enters your building. This means that the water flowing in every tap of your house or office is pure and free from any chemicals. This filtration system is not limited to purifying water at one specific point of use and that’s the best part about its functionality. 

Many whole-house water filters are available in Toronto. They can be used to remove sediment, soften the water, filter out contaminants, or remove chlorine. We will now examine how these filters work to do their job efficiently.

How Does a Whole House Water Filter Work?

Water is treated at the main water plant for the presence of any chemicals. Sometimes, an excess of chlorine is added to the germs, which can be harmful as well. As the water flows through the pipes, several contaminants are mixed with it. Then it reaches your main water pipeline and enters your house.
A whole house water filter is used as an intervention at this entrance point and makes the water free of any impurities. With its installation, you will have safer and better-quality water for everything like cooking, drinking, washing, and showering. But how does it exactly filter water?

  • Sediment Filter:

This filter is also called the pre-filter. Simple whole-house filters contain this to remove dust particles and sediment mixed in the water. This filter has tiny pores that are too small to let any sediment pass through, and only the water can flow through them. Any particle larger in size than a blood cell (red) is trapped in this filter.

  • Chlorine Filter:

As we discussed above, water suppliers add chlorine purposely to make the water germ-free, but this is an unsafe element and should be eliminated from the water. Carbon filters are present to remove this excessive amount of chlorine.
The most common carbon filter used in whole house water filters is the Granular Activated Carbon filter. After the water flows through the sediment filter, it reaches the carbon filter. The filter is made up of carbon that has a very large surface area with many pores (crooks) on it that absorb water impurities, specifically chlorine.
Another type of chlorine filter is made up of a compound of copper-zinc but is not commonly used in whole house filters. The USA’s Environmental Protection Agency also recommends the use of carbon as chlorine filters.

  • UV Filter:

Some point-of-entry water filters have an additional UV filter that kills the living microbes in the water. In simple terms, it uses strong ultraviolet radiation to disorganize the DNA of the microorganisms so they are unable to reproduce.

  • Post Filter Stage:

After passing through all these stages, the water finally reaches the post filter stage. This is an enhancing stage as it ensures that all chemicals and sediment are removed from the water. It has mesh screens that trap any remaining harmful particles before letting the water travel to all the supply lines of your house.

  • Reverse Osmosis:

Reverse Osmosis is also a type of whole-house water filter that is widely used because of its efficiency in removing 99% contaminants. It has multiple filters like the sediment and chlorine filters mentioned above. First, the water goes through them and then reaches a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane has the tiniest pores (holes) that prevent small and large particles from flowing through.
The water that passes through these holes is pure and becomes known as a “permeate.” The leftover water containing these chemical particles is brine water, which goes through the drain line as waste water.

  • Water Softener

If you are installing a water softening system in your home, it works differently. It has a tank with resin beads in it that attract the charged hard particles of calcium and magnesium, and the remaining soft water flows into the pipes. Sometimes a salt tank is used to absorb particles from the resin to regenerate the process.

How Do I Choose the Best Whole-House Water Filter for My Home?

You need to consider factors like what chemicals your water contains, your budget, and the brand you are purchasing from. If your water has only been tested to be hard, you should buy a whole house water softener otherwise reverse osmosis or simple whole house water filters are a better choice. You should only invest in NSF-certified water systems manufactured by famous, reliable brands. It’s about the safety of the whole water supply of your house and should be given full thought.
You can blindly put your trust in us for your water filter systems. At Watermart, our whole-house filters are manufactured with sediment, lead, and activated carbon filters. We also provide whole-house water softeners for our customers. Every filter stage in the whole house water system is tested to produce potent results and to enhance the water quality. You can also get our installation services and we will complete the whole process very proficiently.

Whole House Water Filters – Our Final Words

Being the experts of water filtration systems, we are aware that with the growing population of Toronto, the need to buy water filters is also increasing. That’s why we suggest our customers invest in point-of-entry filters instead of point-of-use water filters. This way, they will have a continuous supply of pure, safer, and good-quality water in every corner of the house.
Additionally, filling the buckets or bottles from only one faucet will be no hassle. However, if you have a limited budget, small filter set-ups are also good to begin with.


Do Whole House Water Filters Work?

Yes, they effectively filter out the entire water supply to your house. You can also rent a whole-house water filter to test its effectiveness before making a final purchase.

How Long Do Whole House Water Filters Last?

Whole house filters last several years but require consistent replacement of filter cartridges. It is best to check each filter after every 3 to 6 months.

Where Should a Whole House Water Filter be Installed?

At the main water supply of your house. You can find it in the basement or crawlspace.

How Much Does a Whole-House Water filtration System Cost?

It can cost anywhere between $800 and $5000, but the installation charges for most good-quality whole-house filters can reach $5000.

Is a Whole House Filter Worth it?

It is worth your money because its multi-stage filtration process works efficiently to make the water pure and chemical-free before it enters your house.

Do I Need a Whole House Water Filter?

Yes, if your water was tested and contained chemicals and contaminants, the only reliable solution is installing a whole house water filtration system.

How Much Does A Reverse Osmosis System Cost?

With so many types of water filters available in Toronto, many consumers are confused about which is best for them. One such popular water filter is the reverse osmosis system. If you are also looking for a detailed guide about the reverse osmosis system cost, this one’s for you!
On average, smaller set-ups of reverse osmosis filters like under-sink water filters cost less, and large-scale set-ups, like whole house filters, cost more. The pricing range for a reverse osmosis system starts from $400 and goes up to $5000. We have discussed numerous factors that affect its costs, like the efficiency, installment charges, number of filters, its unique functioning, and benefits.
So, without further ado, let’s start reading and find out if reverse osmosis is worth your money or not.

Reverse Osmosis Cost Breakdown

To make the cost analysis of a reverse osmosis system easy, we have briefly described some elements that play a major role in its pricing. Although It is a relatively expensive water filter because of its complex functionality and a few other factors, it will provide you with 100% guaranteed purified water.
But what are the main factors that add up to its total cost? Here’s a glance at them:

Water Testing

Before you purchase a reverse osmosis, you need to get your water tested. You can purchase DIY water testing kits, which are available at cheap rates, or you can schedule a Free Water Test at WaterMart. All you have to do is fill out this form, and we will contact you soon. Otherwise, you can also contact any nearby local water experts, and they will help you analyze your water results.

Expert Installation

Another thing that adds up to the cost of reverse osmosis is its installation. The more skilled the technician, the higher he will charge. You can also install it yourself, but there can be chances of loose connections or leaks.
Get experts from Watermart who have detailed information about everything you want to know about the water system and its maintenance. We will provide you with experts at very reasonable charges.


Accessories refer to the number of filters it has. Usually, it has a sediment filter and a chlorine filter with a membrane, but some brands add additional features. These make it more efficient and increase its cost. For instance, at Watermart, we have an extra filter in our reverse osmosis system that amplifies mineral content in the water. An additional faucet with the filter also costs extra.

Smart Technology

Some filters come with a smart app that can help you keep track of your water consumption and alert you for any filter replacements. Plus, you can also check contaminant levels and reduction of chemicals in your filtered water using the app. So, if you are buying a smart RO system, it is a bit expensive.

Third-Party Certifications

NSF certified RO systems have high costs because they are of better quality and have been tested to remove all contaminants, unlike a few cheaper ones that do not purify your water completely. That’s why it is better to invest in third-party certified RO systems since they are reliable.

Long Filter Life

If you are investing a handsome amount of money, you should purchase one with greater longevity. At Watermart, our filters and their membranes and cartridges work for a long period very effectively. Therefore, you should look for brands that offer a long filter life.


Buying a cheaper RO system means it will have a typical design and will be a bit more difficult to use. It will also not have multiple and efficient filters. On the contrary, a more expensive reverse osmosis has an ideal size, is easy to use and install, and works more effectively.

Maintenance and Repairs

The cost of filter maintenance and replacement can reach $250 annually. The membranes in the RO system also drain away sufficient waste water, causing high water bills.

Satisfaction Guarantees

Some brands also offer money-back guarantees that ensure a full refund in case your RO system does not meet your needs. Although it is not an issue, choosing an RO system with a satisfaction guarantee is a risk-free investment.

Payment Options

A lot of payment options also help you manage your money. If you do not have an adequate amount of money at the moment, you can opt for brands that provide installment options. Some also offer RO systems on rent. You can choose from different payment options as well as a few banking methods that may also provide you with discounts.

What Makes Reverse Osmosis Filtration Unique?

Reverse osmosis takes a different approach than most filters to remove the contaminants from the water and this is what makes it unique. It makes use of a filter with tiny pores instead of any separate material. We will be briefly discussing below how it functions amazingly to filter out harmful particles. You will also find out if you must have one in your house or not.

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

A reverse osmosis water system consists of a main water tank connected to a multi-stage filtration process. The main component of this system is its semi-permeable membrane, which pushes water into it through pressure.
Due to the holes in the membrane, all the contaminants are separated from the water and a permeate (pure water) is produced that flows through your pipes. Since it works uniquely and proficiently, it is becoming very widely known, but does everyone really need an RO system?

Does Everyone Need Reverse Osmosis?

The straight-up answer to this is: YES! Even though all Toronto water suppliers guarantee that their water plants only generate pure water, the municipal committee warns that due to the high population in this city, it is obvious that chemicals get mixed in the water before it reaches your house.
Therefore, to avoid the potential risks of impure water, installing a good water filter like reverse osmosis has now become necessary.

When to Consider Reverse Osmosis?

Here are a few times when you should consider a Reverse Osmosis:

  • A water expert tested your water and reported that it was contaminated. In this case, the water experts usually suggest buying a water filter that removes all contaminants. Reverse osmosis is a good option because it removes around 99% of all the contaminants, making your water clean.
  • Most people have a simple water filter installed, like a countertop filter, which is not very effective for large amounts of water purification. If you also want to upgrade your old, outdated filter system, it is time to consider a reverse osmosis filter. It has a comprehensive filtration process and uses its advanced methods to filter out germs and provide better quality water.
  • Switching to reverse osmosis is a sensible option, especially if your water has been tested for VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). RO systems are best for removing such compounds and other microscopic bacteria.
  • Moreover, if you are wasting a lot of money on bottled water, you can purchase an RO system and save money with a one-time investment. It will also save you the extra cost of gas bills, as you will not have to boil water frequently anymore.

Choose the Right Reverse Osmosis System for Your Home

As we have already discussed, you can use the reverse osmosis system for two types of water filter set-ups: one-location water systems or whole-house water filtration systems. Which one is the best for you depends on your budget and your needs.
If you want purified water running in every tap of your house and have a high budget, you should go for whole-house reverse osmosis filters. Otherwise, if you are looking to purify water in one area of your house only, you can buy a small reverse osmosis system.

Should You DIY vs. Professional Reverse Osmosis System Installation?

The answer to this depends on the type of reverse osmosis system you are planning to install. You can easily DIY with the right basic tools if you have purchased a small system.
However, if you want to install a whole house reverse osmosis water filter, we prefer to hire installation experts for that. That’s because installing a filter to the main water line needs high plumbing skills, and one little mistake can damage the whole system, causing your money to go in vain.
At Watermart, we have installation experts who have been highly trained to install filter systems accurately and carefully. With our services, you can blindly trust the installation process. Whether you want an installation for your house or any commercial building, you can contact us now to book an installation.

What Are the Benefits of RO Systems?

The best part about installing RO systems is that they will provide pure drinking water that tastes, smells, and feels better. If the water test results show the presence of contaminants in the water, the RO system is a good choice. Here are some benefits it offers for its price:

Reduced Contaminants

It does not only remove large chemicals and bacteria but also the tiniest microscopic germs as well. This is due to the presence of tiny pores in its semi-permeable membrane that separate the smallest bacteria from the water. The water that is left is called the permeate and is free of any contaminants. The RO systems remove 99% of the contaminants and chemical compounds like:

  • Lead
  • Chlorine
  • Fluoride
  • Inorganic Compounds
  • Pesticides
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Aluminum
  • Pharmaceuticals

Less Sediment

It also separates sediment and dust particles from the water. All the large particles are filtered out and added to the brine water (wastewater), which is drained away through the drain lines.
The removal of all the contaminants and sediment makes the water pure, clean, healthy, and safe to drink and use.

Energy Efficient

Good quality water makes the appliances and machines that use water more efficient and increases their long life. RO water systems are also compatible with other water systems like a water softener if you have one already installed in your house. Although RO systems use up a lot of energy, they are quite energy efficient at times.


We hope that we provided you with every information you needed regarding the budgeting of a reverse osmosis filter setup. The reverse osmosis system price depends on many factors we discussed and choosing the right one that is affordable for you is in your hands.
We suggest our customers purchase a reverse osmosis water filter because it is reliable, works longer, and provides a consistent supply of pure water to your house for drinking, washing, cooking, and showering.
If you are looking for a trusted brand, Watermart can be the best choice. As one of the top water filter suppliers in Toronto, we manufacture our water filters with multiple filtration processes that produce pure drinking water for everyone! Our filters are highly reasonable, scientifically tested, and have an energy-efficient membrane.


Is it worth getting a reverse osmosis system?

Yes, it is worth investing in a reverse osmosis system if you have a sufficient budget because they are more efficient than other filters in filtering and purifying dirty water.

Is reverse osmosis water safe to drink every day?

Yes, RO systems drain away the waste water and only let pure water flow through your taps, so it is safe to drink all the time. However, replacing filters every 6 months is a good practice.

Does reverse osmosis really purify water?

Reverse osmosis is known to remove 99% of contaminants from the water, so it purifies your water from all chemicals, contaminants, sediment, and bacteria.

How much does a gallon of reverse osmosis water cost?

On average, a gallon of reverse osmosis water ranges between $0.50 to $2.00.

How much does a reverse osmosis system cost to maintain and operate?

The maintenance and replacement of reverse osmosis filters cost between $100 and $250 annually.

What’s better, a whole house reverse osmosis system or a point-of-use system?

It depends on your budget and requirements. A whole-house reverse osmosis system costs more but is effective because it filters out the whole water supply to your building.

How Much Does A Home Water Filtration System Cost?

Many people in Toronto are buying water filtration systems for their houses. With the increasing demand for water filters in the market, their prices are also rising. Many of our customers enquire about the cost of the water filtration system.
To make it even easier for you to select the right water filter that matches your budget, we have discussed all the factors that should be considered and also listed down the types of water filters available. By the end, you will be enlightened about the cost of water filters in detail and make the right choice for yourself.

Determining The Cost of Water Filtration System

Numerous factors influence the cost of the system. These include the brand, the efficiency and capacity of the filter, and the labor charges. In this section, we will examine how these factors affect the pricing of any system. So, let’s see how you can prevent extra spending and save some money for yourself!


The better the brand, the higher the price. If you buy from a top brand in Toronto, they will automatically charge you more because they are committed to using expensive, top-quality tools and parts. At Watermart, however, we offer the best water filters at reasonable prices.

Capability & Capacity

The filter tanks that hold the water can be of varying sizes. This also plays a major role in the cost of water filters because a larger tank takes up more material and thus costs more. Additionally, not all filters have enough features, so if you choose a filter that’s more capable of water purification, like a whole-house water filter, it is comparatively more pricey.


Installing the filter yourself is easier and cheaper. On the other hand, if you have bought a complex water system like a water softener or whole-house water filter and are hiring an installation expert, it will cost around $200 to $600 extra, depending upon the level of their expertise.

Types of Filters

Filtration systems with simple filters like carbon and sediment filters cost less ($800 to $1500). However, if they have additional features, like a UV light filter, they are relatively expensive and can cost up to $3000.

Replacement of Filters

All filters require regular maintenance and replacement of the filter cartridges. Replacement charges range from $40 and sometimes go to $100 if there is a major issue in your water filtration system.
In addition to these factors, the cost of a home water filtration system also depends on the type of water filter you buy.
Here is a summarized pricing of the filter systems for all of the buyers:

Filter SystemsAverage Cost
Whole-house water filtration system$800 to $5000
Under-sink water filters$400 to $700
Well-water filtration systems$800 to $4500
Simple filters$100 to $500
Filter Systems Average Cost
Whole-house water filtration system $800 to $5000
Under-sink water filters $400 to $700
Well-water filtration systems $800 to $4500
Simple filters $100 to $500

Top Water Filtration System Types

There are three main types of water filtration system types. If you need to purify the whole water supply to your house, then you are definitely looking for a whole-house water filter.
However, if you want to filter water in one specific area, you can purchase small filter set-ups like a reverse osmosis water filter, which is a type of under-sink water filter. We have briefly described the prices of each filter system below.

Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filtration

If you are installing a reverse osmosis filtration system as an under-sink filter, it costs between $400 to $700. There is also a whole-house reverse osmosis filter, which costs more. RO systems use a semi-permeable membrane to purify water and remove 99% of contaminants. But it has a major drawback of wasting too much water as brine (impure water).

Whole House Water Filtration

Whole-house water filters are the most effective and complex systems because they filter the full water supply to your house. The whole house filtration system cost starts from $850 and goes up to 3000 if it has any UV filter or extra features.
UV filters use solar energy to destroy chemicals. The cost of a whole-house filtration system also depends on the size of the house and the filters in it. A bigger house will require a large whole-house filter set-up, which will be very expensive.

Simple Filtration

Simple filters are the cheapest and have prices between $100 to $500. They are good for you if you have a low budget and are not looking for a multi-stage filtration of your water.

Signs You Need a Water Filtration System

You should only invest in a water filter when you really need one because even though it has its advantages, it costs a handful of money. There are some signs that can help you figure out if you should install a water filter or not. We have discussed them briefly so you can see if you have observed any such symptoms.

You Notice Unpleasant Odors

If your water smells unpleasant, it means some bacteria is building up in it or maybe some dirty water mixed with it. In any case, foul-smelling water is harmful to one’s health and should be filtered before use.

You Taste Something Strange

If your water tastes unusual and strange while drinking, you should immediately stop using it. Bad taste usually means your water has an excessive amount of chlorine or hydrogen sulfide and should be treated as soon as possible. If your water tastes and smells the same, you can observe its color.

Your Tap Water Doesn’t Look Clean

You should notice the color of the water running in the tap. If it seems brownish or dull in color, it is time to buy a water purifier because unclean tap water is a sign that some chemicals are dissolved in it.

Your Area Had a Recent Boil Advisory

Sometimes, contaminants attack the main water system that supplies water to the whole area. In this case, the water inspector issues boil water notices to warn residents about the polluted water. If your area encounters a boil advisory, you will need to buy a water filter.

Your Water Test Came Back With Concerning Results

The best way is to get your water tested. You can also schedule a FREE water test at Watermart by filling out this form. We will provide you with the water results very soon and you can also enquire at our customer service to discuss whether the results show a need for a water filter or not.

You Notice Other Issues

Other symptoms include damaged hair or skin, dirty spots when washing dishes and clothes, and lower water pressure than usual.
In any case, you should get a water filter installed for a safe and healthy water supply.
In any case, you should get a water filter installed for a safe and healthy water supply.

What Benefits Do Water Filters Bring?

You must be wondering why water filters are becoming a necessity in Toronto. Well, It’s simply because they have various benefits proving them worth their price. From making your water free of chemicals to enhancing the quality of water flowing through your taps, water purification installation is a fruitful investment. Here are more benefits of water filters:

Enhanced Quality & Taste

Of course, water that is pure of chemicals, pesticides, harmful compounds, and solids tastes and feels better than impure water. You will feel good while drinking filtered water because it is safe and healthy.

Drink More / Waste Less

With better quality, your will to drink more increases, and you remain hydrated more often than before. It also saves the wastage of bottled water.

Improved Energy Efficiency

With filtered water, all the machines can work to their fullest, thus improving their systems’ efficiency. Chemicals in the water usually make machines inefficient.

Extended Lifespan of Home Appliances

Many home appliances erode because of bad water containing strong chemicals. This causes the machine to deteriorate quicker than its guaranteed life. Pure and filtered water elevates the lifespan of all home appliances that use water, such as washing machines and dishwashers.

Easier Cleaning

After washing your dishes and clothes, you will not witness any water spots or dirty stains. Hard water is the main reason for improper cleaning, so making it softer and purer encourages easier and enhanced cleaning.

Experience Softer Skin & Hair

All beauty experts say good water is the secret to softer skin and hair, and well water (with an abundance of chemicals) can damage your hair and also give rise to different skin issues. That’s why a water filter will provide you with good-quality water for your hair and skin.

Water Filter Systems – A Worthy Investment Or Not?

In our opinion, installing a water filter system in your house is beneficial for you and your family. It will reduce any risks of contaminated water and provide you with only pure, tastier, healthier, and good-quality water that is safe for your household.
If you have a high budget, you can purchase a whole-house water filter, but if you have a low budget, you can just install an under-sink water filter that is smaller and easier to install as well. We have top-quality water filters with an extra layer of safety and exceptional prices, so you can put your trust in us and make a purchase now! At Watermart, we also have instalation experts who will make the installation process easier and faster for you.


Are Whole-House Water Filters Worth it?

Yes, they are worth your money because whole-house filters provide pure water in every tap of your house, preventing the spread of any diseases.

Do You Need a Water Filter in Toronto?

Water coming from the plants in Toronto is often safe to use and drink. However, it is better to get your water tested in case any chemicals get mixed in it. You can contact us to book a water test.

Where Should a Whole-House Water Filter be Installed?

It should be installed in the main water supply lines, which can be found in your basement or crawlspace.

Who Installs Water Filtration Systems?

Using the right tools, you can install them by yourself but if you want an expert installation, you can hire professionals from Watermart.

What is Water Softener System & How Does it Work?

The hardness of Toronto’s water is one of the major issues Canadians face, and finding a good, long-term, and reliable water-softening system has become a major difficulty. If you can relate to this, you are in the right place.
Our company has a long history of dealing with water hardness problems in Canadian homes, and we can confidently say that you will never have to deal with this problem again.

The Basics of Water Softening

The presence of minerals magnesium and Calcium is termed the hardness of water. And no, it is not beneficial, though it may sound so.

The hardness of Toronto’s water largely causes increased maintenance needs and costs in plumbing systems. This leads to scale buildup in pipes and fixtures. Fortunately, water softening is the best way to remove the minerals (mostly magnesium and calcium) that cause hardness in water.

The attraction of these positively charged ions to negative ones lays the basis of a water-softening system. When brine (salt water that has negatively charged ions) is introduced to these minerals, the resulting reaction gives us soft water. This water is now safe for use and does not cause scaling in the plumbing system.

Water Softeners: How Do They Work?

Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, rock salt, and other salts serve as some of the easiest and most common water softeners. This is because salt happens to have highly reactive and negatively charged ions, which are efficient in reacting with Calcium and Magnesium. Resin beads coated in sodium are introduced to the tank of hard water.
The negatively charged ions of sodium attract the positively charged ones of magnesium and calcium, hence resulting in the covering of the resin beads in these minerals. Regular maintenance demands regeneration when resin beads are fully covered. The resin beads are cleaned so that softening can continue.

Water Softener vs. Water Conditioner vs. Water Filtration System

Although water softeners, conditioners, and filtration systems have similar names that can easily be confused, they are all designed to improve the quality of water.

Water Softener

A water softener has one main purpose: to remove the hardness in water. Calcium and magnesium are removed through an ion exchange process with our sodium-based water softeners. As a result, the improved quality of water reduces scale buildup, better lathering, and less soap scum.

Water Conditioner

A wider term, water conditioner treats more than just hard water. At WaterMart, we understand that iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide are also decreasing the quality of water. A water conditioner uses several other methods than resin beads, such as oxidation, filtration, and catalytic media to clean water.

Water Filtration System

A water filtration system is both a physical and chemical barrier that removes impurities like sediment, bacteria, chlorine, and other harmful substances like heavy metals. Installation of WaterMart’s highly praised water filter systems can keep away water-based diseases from your household and improve your health.

The Perks of WaterMart’s Softeners

Toronto’s hard water supply does more than just make your house difficult to clean. It also destroys hair and skin health. A water-softening system puts to rest a lot of your worries and allows house cleaning to be easier. A Water softener treats not just this, but so much more:

Effectively Soften Water

A high-quality water softener from Watermart can effectively solve all water hardness problems. Our products are designed to banish all hard water worries once and for all. The Calcium and magnesium ions will be gone from the water with a simple brine solution.

Protect Appliances

Appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, etc. are prone to corrosion and reduced efficiency because of hard water. The buildup in pipes also reduces water flow due to scale buildup. Water softening rids away with most of these problems.

Enhance Cleaning

Have you noticed the scum residue on your fixtures and even utensils? Water softening can get rid of most of your scrubbing and cleaning since soft water does not cause scale buildup and makes it easier to clean and maintain fixtures in the house.

Last Over a Decade

A high-quality water softener from WaterMart can last up to a decade. Our systems are reliable, and our speedy customer support makes the whole process easier and more efficient. Our easy-to-maintain system has made many customers happy.

Common Water Softening Issues:

The hardness of water has its negative impacts, but water softening comes with a few hurdles too. Of course, the introduction of a new mineral/salt in the water tank is going to affect the whole of the tank and not just the targeted issue. Some things to consider when installing a water-softening system are:

Rise in Sodium Levels:

Since a water softener uses brine, that means, a lot of sodium ions, it can end up increasing the amount of sodium ions in the water. Individuals with conditions where sodium is not beneficial for them may find soft water to be damaging. It is wise to select a water softener that is not based on salt. Luckily, consultants at WaterMart will be able to direct you to just the right one for you.

Could be Pricey:

Water softening systems can be expensive to install and maintain. However, we, at WaterMart, have made this system as easy for you as possible. Our extremely reliable, high-quality system at a very reasonable price is testimony to our expertise and a history of making Toronto water better.

Have al look at : How Much Does a Water Softener Cost

Reduces Mineral Intake

Calcium and Magnesium are flushed away through sodium by the water-softening system. Unfortunately, these two are also minerals that the human body requires. Receiving an adequate intake of minerals in your drinking water can deal away with this issue, without affecting your water-softening system.

Septic System Overload

Increased levels of sodium in soft water can overwhelm the septic system and mess up the pH levels. Corrosion due to salt can also cause the tank to affect the drainage system, especially if excess sodium causes solids to flow into pipes and clog them.

Produces Wastewater

Water softeners regenerate by flushing out the brine towards the wastewater sewer and causing large amounts of wastewater to collect. However, WaterMart’s newer and better technology has taken measurable steps to eliminate this issue, and our systems are environmentally healthy.


Investing in a water softening system can bring you long-term benefits, especially if it is from a reliable, industry-expert place like WaterMart. The Magnesium and Calcium ions cause extra damage to the pipelines and household cleaning, but sodium ions can attract them through resin beads and make our water soft. This leads to better skin and hair health along with making cleaning a hundred times easier and decreasing plumbing issues.
However, too much sodium can lead to pipeline corrosion. Fortunately, our experts at WaterMart have developed a world-class system to deal with your problems right here in Toronto. You can book a free water system consultation session here.


Do water softeners require maintenance?

Yes, water softener systems require maintenance to perform in the best way possible. Our responsive customer support system deals with all your maintenance issues.

What should you know about salt replacement?

When the brine tank runs out of salt, it is necessary to replace the sodium chloride to ensure continuous softening of hard water. Adherence to regular maintenance can help regulate salt levels.

How long does a water softener last?

WaterMart’s high-quality water softening system can last up to a decade or two with regulated maintenance. The sign of a good water softener is its durability and ability to regenerate effectively.

What are the smart features of a water softener?

Our systems connect to your phone and they contain sensors to detect changes in mineral levels. The smart technology of our water-softening systems is a key factor in determining when to regenerate to save water and decrease sodium amount.

What are the best softener options?

WaterMart offers several softening options and systems, each with unique advantages. Our non-corrosive, long-term softeners will alleviate all your worries. While there is a flood of information on this topic, our experts can help guide you to the best options.

How do you choose the right softener?

Level of water hardness, salt-level sensitivities, and efficiency are some factors to consider. Luckily, our experts at WaterMart offer free consultations to help you determine the right softener for you.

How do you know your softening needs?

Identify signs of hard water in your household and conduct a water hardness test. When choosing a water softener, keep in mind your taste and preferences. Professional advice is a long-term investment. All you have to do is book a session here.

What is water softener salt?

Water softening salts like sodium chloride and potassium chloride are used to attract magnesium and calcium ions along with regenerating the resin beads to remove hardness.

How Much Does a Water Softener Cost?

Hard water has become a common issue as many people encounter dry skin and hair after using water and notice scale building up in the pipes. The only solution for this issue is buying a water softener system. But how much does it cost and is it really worth the money? Don’t worry because we will help you discover the right answer!
We have discussed the cost of water softener in detail and jotted down everything you need to know about its pricing. From the factors that influence its cost to its benefits and installation techniques, you will discover how everything adds up to the final investment and if you should install one or not. So, let’s look at the comprehensive guide below!

Factors Affecting Water Softener System Cost

You will find water softeners in Toronto for prices from $500 to $6000 while an average rate with installation is between $1500 to $2000. Multiple factors contribute to this water softener cost. The price of a water softener system is not fixed and many things like the type of water softener, its size, capacity, and brand alter its pricing.
In this section, we will be looking at a few major factors that can help you choose the most suitable and affordable water softener for yourself.

Type of Water Softener

There are various types of water softeners, and each comes with a different cost and features. The most widely used is the ion exchange system. It contains a resin tank and a brine tank with salt.
The resin tank attracts calcium and magnesium particles and the salt absorbs it away from the resin beads. A single-tank ion exchange water softener costs between $500 and $1500, whereas a double tank ranges from $1500 to $2500.
Salt-free water softeners are cheaper but do not really remove hardness and just crystalize the particles. They cost around $500 to $2000 but the benefit is that you do not have the hassle to add salt in the tank.
Another type is the reverse osmosis water softener, which costs between $400 and $5000. The pricing is also cheaper if you install a point-of-use water softener and higher for a whole-home water softener.

Size of Water Softener

A larger size of water softener means it can soften more hard water. A double tank ion-exchange water softener is a large-size water softener that takes up much space. It eventually leads to a higher installation and maintenance cost as well.

Water Hardness Levels

Experts measure water hardness levels in different units, but here, we will discuss the hardness according to the grains per gallon. This can be any value between 0 and 20 and if it ever goes above 7, your water is harder than it should be. The higher the hardness level of the water, the greater the water softener capacity required and the higher the price.
If you want to save up water testing money, you can schedule a free water test at Watermart now! Once you fill out this form, we will get back to you soon for proper testing and will also explain the water test results to you properly.

Brand and Quality

Different brands charge different prices for their water softeners. Famous brands use high-quality materials and advanced technology, so they charge more. At Watermart, we manufacture our water softener systems with the highest-quality tools and sophisticated features.


The capacity of water softener starts from 24000 grains and goes up to 100,000 grains. This refers to the amount of hard water it can soften until it is replaced or regenerated. The price starts from as low as $500 and reaches up to $2500.
You should find out the capacity required for your household, considering your daily water consumption and the number of family members. It also depends on how much water each person in the house uses. For instance, four members will require a capacity of 24000 grains but if their usage is more than an average human’s, the capacity requirement can increase.


Your house area also decides how hard your water is. You can contact the workers at the water supply plant and inquire about the hardness of your water. Most of the time, water that comes from a well is more hard than any other water provision. If the water supply in your area has a very high hardness level, you will need a greater capacity water softener which ultimately costs more.

Home Size

It does not play a major role in the cost development of water softeners, but if you have a home spread over a larger hectare or height, it means it has more pipes and bathrooms and requires a large supply of water.
Since we have discussed the factors, now it’s time to figure out how you can manage the installment charges.

Do I Need Professional Help Installing A Water Softener?

Installing a water softener is easy, especially if you have purchased a small water softener system like a salt-free system or point-of-use reverse osmosis. All you have to do is use the right tools and follow the proper steps carefully until you fix it in place. However, when it comes to installing large-sized water softeners, you certainly need professional help. It costs between $500 and $1500 to hire an expert.
If you are looking for a reliable water system installation service, we are here to help. At Watermart, our installation experts are highly skilled, have good-quality equipment, and ensure a hygienic installation by wearing gloves during the process. Contact us now to book an affordable installation.

What Are The Signs That You Should Buy A Water Softener System?

The usual symptoms are an unpleasant smell or taste coming from the water. However, you can only find out the hardness level of your water by getting it tested. You should consider installing a water softener if the hardness level is above 7 grains per gallon.
Other signs include less lather formation of washing products (soap, shampoo), unusually dry skin or hair, clogging of water pipes, faded color of clothes after washing, and dirty spots on appliances that use water.

When to Consider Buying a Water Softener System?

After analyzing the cost of a water softener system, you must ask yourself: Is water softener really a need for you? We know exactly when one should consider installing it in their house or any commercial building. Here is a breakdown of the circumstances when a water softener becomes a necessity:

  • An expert conducted a water test and the test results showed a high calcium and magnesium content in your water. The hardness level was also above the standard level of 7 grains per gallon. In this case, buying a water softener is the only option you have.
  • You witnessed a sudden rise in your water bills. Upon checking, you found out that the flow of hard water built up scale in the water lines and required more pressure to pass the water through them. Due to the increased use of pressure, the water bills also got high. You can prevent this by using water softeners to soften the hard water.
  • Any dirty water stains on the countertops, sinks, or appliances that use water are a major sign that you have a very hard water supply. To keep everything clean and safe, you need to buy a water softener for your house immediately.
  • Spending too much on cleaning products because they only form sufficient lather when used in large volumes is due to using hard water with them. Again, a water softener is essential because soft water elevates the efficiency of these products.

Benefits of Installing a Water Softener System

Water softener systems are best known for removing chemicals like calcium and magnesium from the water. The removal of these chemicals enhances the quality of the water making it fresher and softer to use. A few benefits that these systems offer for their price are:

Softer Skin and Hair

Tired of having dried and damaged hair and skin? Don’t worry because, with the installation of a water softener, this is not an area of worry anymore. Softened water will make your skin and hair feel softer after bathing. It will also increase the volume of your hair and make it healthier.

Efficient Use of Cleaning Products

Secondly, you will not face any wastage of cleaning products because, with softer water, they form a good lather when used even in small quantities. Soaps will also not leave scum (white layer) on the soap dishes or sinks.

Less Scale Buildup

The best part is that there will be no scale build-up in the water pipes. This will prevent clogging in the pipes and also reduce water bills.

Better-Tasting Water

Additionally, you will have a consistent supply of softer water that tastes better, smells nicer, and is healthier than unsoftened water.

Our Suggestion About Buying A Water Softener System

We suggest that you invest in a water softener as soon as your water is tested, as it is very hard. However, we value the needs and budgets of all our customers, and that’s why we advise that before you purchase a water softener, you thoroughly investigate the cost. It is best if you compare the factors mentioned above and choose the one that matches your needs.
You can also consider getting a water softener from Watermart, which is one of the top water filtration services in Toronto. We guarantee that every penny you pay will be worth it with our high-quality and efficient water softeners!

FAQs About Water Softener System Costs

What is the average cost of a whole-house water softener?

The average water softener costs $1500 to $2000, while smaller water softeners start from $600.

What is the downside of a water softener?

A few downsides are that it is a bit expensive and requires maintenance. For example, an ion exchange double tank water softener costs extra for salt refill. Moreover, it elevates sodium levels in water.

Is it worth getting a water softener installed?

Yes, it is a worthy investment if your water is tested to have a very high content of calcium and magnesium because it will filter them out and provide you with good-quality water.

Are all water softeners the same?

No, different types use different methods to remove the calcium and magnesium minerals like ion exchange systems, reverse osmosis water systems, and salt-free water softeners.

Can I install a water softener myself?

Yes, you can install a small set-up of water softener but for large-scale installation like a whole-house water softener, it is better to hire a professional.

Does a water softener ruin a water heater?

Yes, soft water causes damage to the anode rods in the heater, causing a decline in its life.

How much does labor cost to install a water softener?

Labor costs vary depending on the size of the water softener. Installing water softeners at one specific location can cost up to $300, and whole-house installation can go above this and sometimes up to $1500.

How To Install a Kitchen Faucet?

Replacing a kitchen faucet is necessary because the faucets turn rusty and old over time, reducing the water flow. However, to save oneself from the cost of hiring a plumber to do the job, numerous people avoid installing a new one (the cost varies from $150 to $400 in 2024).
Luckily, with the right tools, installing a kitchen faucet is no harder than a DIY project. Instead of hiring an expert, you can do this task by yourself! But what you need is clear guidance on the installation process.
As an installation expert, we have discussed clear and easy instructions that you can follow for installing kitchen faucets. We will cover important areas like:

  • Tools Required For The Process
  • Proper And Simple Steps
  • Tips And Techniques For Successful Installation
  • Common Questions Among Customers

What You’ll Need for The Kitchen Sink Faucet Installation?

Before you begin, you need to either purchase or find out some important plumbing tools and materials essential for the removal and installation of the kitchen faucet. If you just sit down to start installing a kitchen faucet without the availability of the required equipment, the process can never be successful. Let’s look into some of the tools you need to get.

Equipment/ Tools

The tools needed for the installation of a kitchen faucet are very common and can be easily found in any nearby metalware store or your tool bag. So, there is no need to worry about the inconvenience of finding the tools. The list of plumbing equipment is:

  • Plier
  • Adjustable Wrenches
  • Putty Knife
  • Rubber Gasket
  • Nuts


The materials or things that you may need during the process are listed below.

  • Kitchen Faucet
  • Bucket
  • Plumber Tape
  • Cleaning Agent
  • Soft Cloth (Fiber)
    As soon as you have all the tools and materials, read the steps below carefully and start implementing them.

Step-by-Step Guide On Installing Kitchen Faucet

There are many different types of kitchen faucets in the market, but each has a different removal and mounting process. Therefore, it is best if you first read the manufacturer’s manual that comes with your kitchen faucet box. There isn’t much difference with the procedure but there will be slight changes in the use of tools and the method of fixing the faucet in place.
Anyhow, the steps below follow a generalized method of replacing an old faucet with a new one, so you can follow them without any worry.

Step-by-Step Guide On Installing Kitchen Faucet

Shut Water Off at Supply Valves

First, shut off the hot and cold water valves to the sink. If you do not have a direct water supply under your sink, you need to turn off the main water supply. If the valves are stuck or harder to rotate, you can use a plier. Once this is done, clear the area under the sink. Put a small bucket inside the sink and turn on the faucet to drain any extra water running in it.

Disconnect Water Supply Lines

Next, use an adjustable wrench to disconnect the water supply line between the faucet and the supply valves. Unfasten the nuts connecting the tube. When the tubes are disconnected, tilt them in a bucket to ensure no water is leaking from the lines.

Remove Faucet Connections

Before removing the faucet, you need to remove its connections. For this, you should use the wrench to unscrew the nuts that connect the faucet from under the sink to the hose (supply lines). If you have a single-handle faucet, it is secured on a mounting bracket and nut that can be unscrewed easily.

Remove the Old Faucet

After removing the connections, you need to know to unmount the old faucet from its hole in the sink’s deck by pulling it out. Use the cleaner and the cloth to remove any dirt or debris surrounding the hole.

Install New Faucet

Now, it is time to install the new faucet. Pick up the rubber gasket and slide it down the supply tubes. Then, carefully mount the faucet onto the hole in the sink’s deck. Under the sink, add the mounting bracket and tighten the nut to fix the faucet in place.

Anchor Hot and Cold Valves

The next step is simple. You have to hold the supply tubes of the new faucet and connect them with their respective valves carefully. After that, tighten the nuts using the adjustable wrench.

Flush The Faucet & Check for Leaks

Your faucet is finally installed! But before you start using it, you have to turn the water on, remove the aerator, and let the water flow at full pressure. At this stage, you can look for any loose connections or leaks and tighten them. After a minute or two, put the aerator back in place and enjoy using your new faucet.

Tips for Installing a Kitchen Faucet

Sometimes it is difficult to loosen the nuts or remove the mounting bracket because it might be fixed in too tight. A simple trick to prevent this issue is to use a lubricant (oil). This reduces friction between the nuts and they can be easily unscrewed. Another tip is to apply medium pressure when removing the faucet so that you can get it out of the caulk seal without breaking anything else.

Do You Need an Expert or Can You DIY?

The simple answer is: You can DIY. Since the steps for installing the faucet are very simple and you do not need any demanding or complex material for the procedure, you can do it yourself without the service of an expert.
However, if you are worried about the risks of loose connections or harming the hardware, you can hire an expert for the job as well. Watermart provides exceptional services to all its customers and has a team of highly trained installation experts. They are very professional and approachable and will install your faucet properly, leaving no room for doubt.

What Are The Top Advantages Of A Kitchen Faucet With Sprayer?

Replacing your old faucet with a new one has many benefits. Number one is that the pressure and the flow of water become faster and better. Here’s a list of many other advantages of a kitchen faucet with a sprayer:

Advantages Of A Kitchen Faucet

  • Easier to clean dishes because the flow of water is quicker.
  • You can adjust the sprayer and point it towards the specific area where you need the most water.
  • Prevents any leaking that your old faucet may have caused.
  • Two-handled faucet can also help adjust the temperature of your water.
  • The kitchen faucet with sprayer also has a compatible size water supply tube that can easily reach the main valves.

With these benefits, changing the kitchen faucet is definitely an advantageous decision.

What To Do After the Installation of Kitchen Faucet?

Although there are minimal chances of any leaking, it is a preventive measure to keep a regular check on any holes or leaks in the faucet’s connection. If there is any issue, you can call a plumber for immediate maintenance. It is also important to keep your faucet clean using a multi-purpose cleaner and fiber cloth so that there is no debris in the aerator or the end of the spout that can mix in the water.


We hope that you have understood all the steps, tips, and maintenance techniques for installing the kitchen faucet. It is a good choice to upgrade your kitchen faucet now to enhance your kitchen style and water flow. However, if you still find the installation process hard to grasp, our team of water filtration experts can help you.
You can contact us now and make an appointment. Our professional technician will be at your doorstep soon to install the faucet expertly. You can also sign up for a service contract to avail yourself of our installation and maintenance services.


How Long does it Take to Replace a Kitchen Faucet?

It usually takes an hour or two, but it may take relatively longer, depending upon the type of faucet and how expert you are with the tools.

How to Change a Kitchen Faucet?

It is a simple process. You have to turn off the main water valves, disconnect the tubing, and remove the faucet. Then, you mount the new faucet with the nuts and connect it.

Is It Hard To Install A Kitchen Faucet?

No, but you should be familiar with the basic plumbing tools like a screwdriver and adjustable wrench.


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